Speaking of Sauce

even better if I spell it right! Glenmorangie
I am thinking about a 12 year port finish tonight but I might just go for a 10 year.
even better if I spell it right! Glenmorangie
I am thinking about a 12 year port finish tonight but I might just go for a 10 year.

Nice, Irish beer and scotch whisky. I'm a sweetie my self and prefer highland malts but partake in the odd Islay malt from time to time. The port finish Glenmorangie has a nice flavor as well. Have a great new years all.
Just a couple Heinekens with the family.

Those of us north of the 49th parallel have a saying. "American beer is like sex in a canoe, there both f#%king close to water". Just giving you a hard time LOL. Some of the french Canadian beer is 11 - 14% alcohol. It tastes like recycled hockey pucks but sure gets a glow on. Most Canuck beer is minimum 5% alcohol. You need the extra antifreeze up here in the frozen north.

Thats hilarious!! Back in PA we used to say that about Coors Light! I've been to Canada once when I was 19 (Fort Erie) and had some Molson TripleX. Man I miss that stuff!
Last night,got into the Glenlivet,it,s a single malt scotch.I preffer anything with a cork in it.LOL!!My head is 2 sizes bigger today!!
Crown Royal and water for me. More Crown and less water as the night wore on! I had a DD (16 year old son) and everyone made it home safe.
Thats hilarious!! Back in PA we used to say that about Coors Light! I've been to Canada once when I was 19 (Fort Erie) and had some Molson TripleX. Man I miss that stuff!

We used to head down to Montana every summer and play in the maggot festival rugby tournament. All the Canadian teams would bring down the Triple X or maximum ice for the big drink off the night before. We always made sure the US teams drank the high test as we sipped away on keystone or something low power. After a couple of years most of the US teams started catching on and they played alot better rugby the next day. Many a nasty hangover was installed by sneaky Canadian rugby players. Never trust a Canadian LOL. I wish I had stayed low test booze last night. Woke up with both eyes in the same socket this morning.

Have a great new year all.
Last night,got into the Glenlivet,it,s a single malt scotch.I preffer anything with a cork in it.LOL!!My head is 2 sizes bigger today!!

I don't know what it is with Scotch but I feel like some one used me for a caber toss last night. The father in law and I managed to polish off a bottle between us last night. We solved all the worlds problems including the current economic crisis. Unfortunately I'm having trouble remembering what all the solutions were.

I'm pretty limited as to what I am allowed to drink. It is either beer or beer. So it was beer (Alpine, made by Moosehead), and copius amounts of it. I sure am glad I don't get hangovers. I know todays would have been a killer after spending $120 on my beer alone.

Had about 12 16 oz. bud light cheladas and about 10 tequila jello shots. Partied till 3 am. I swear somethings broken in my head today cause it hurts like hell.
I had a rum and coke last night and started to watch the "Twilight Zone" marathon on the scifi channel. Fell asleep by 11, woke up feeling like a million bucks.

I felt so good I unclogged the kitchen drain. The clog was 12' down the sewer pipe. I would never have been able to do it hung over, lol. Took two hours to find and clear it. Nasty stuff.
Had a couple black-and-tans made with Guiness and Stella. Then switched to Jack and Coke. No hangover. Got up about 11:00 though!