Star Wars



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Saw it...

Many hard core Star Wars people didn't like it online, don't let that scare you from seeing it. I thought it was very good. Visual effects are on a macro scale: if your spooked by rough seas, there is a scene for you! That's all I'm going to say.

I give it thumbs up. :thumbsup:
If your entertained by the movie, then it’s good.

If you go in and nit pick it, dice it up, point out gaps, mistakes, or following the story line, etc....

Then you have forgotten two things.
This film is more for kids than adults.
It’s entertainment. If your not entertained, then it sucks.
I’ll see it tonight.
See if you can catch the Disney capitulated LGBTQxyz scene...oops!
No, just 2 chicks kissing.

So I seen the film tonight and I was entertained.
It was fun with a surprise or two for me.
It was enjoyable. Got my monies worth and seen it with the family. Nice night out.
I saw it with my 15 yo son last night. I caught the 2 kissing. I was entertained and wasn’t disappointed in the least.
I have to say, the bar for expectations is set pretty low.

I've been invested in this franchise since 1977, when I stood in line 4 hours to see the original.
We went the second weekend, as on the first, the wait was 24 hours with a line around the outside of the mall.

That movie may possibly be the standard by which all other sci-fi is judged for the remainder of time.

To me, the closest project to capture the spirit of the original has been the Disney "Rebels" series prior to disney actually acquiring the full franchise. Despite being a "kids show" it is not dumbed down and candied up like most of the other projects have been.
I've been invested in this franchise since 1977, when I stood in line 4 hours to see the original...

That movie may possibly be the standard by which all other sci-fi is judged for the remainder of time.

I too saw the original in a theater (front row mind you as the 1,130 seat theater was packed) and the first first frames captured me. The first sound (John William's iconic intro) was so loud I think I spilled my popcorn. I came out in a daze, telling my Dad, "That's the best movie...". I was 9 and the theater was the 71 foot flagship theater of the Edwards theater line. The front row was so close I had to pan my head to see the entire screen. One of those moments you'll remember forever. This is the theater.
I remember seeing that first movie and saying to all my friends, "that was way better than Planet Of The Apes". And we all got back in line to catch the next showing.
I was 19 when the original Star Wars came out. Went on a double date with a couple that I worked at the grocery store with, and her cousin. It was a fun evening, and a great movie. I hope to see the new one soon. :)
I was born in 1977 so the original movie came out in the best year possible...Ha ha. I always remembered my grandpa had the first three on VHS and that’s all we would watch when we went over to his house. Anyhow, I agree that I just went to enjoy the movie and the effects and thought it turned out well. Thumbs up!
Went on a date with my wife of 40 years. We saw the First at a small home town theater and maybe this isn't the last one. Saw it today with our children and liked it.
Now that I think more about it, it may have been weeks after the premier when I finally saw it and the line was still 4 hours long.

I remember many news stories on TV about how crazy the lines were.

I believe I ended up seeing it 4 times in the span of a calendar year.

My best friend and his older brother went 10 times.

My mom also ordered me a pre-release promo figure set from General Mills (cereal) that came in a cardboard box with R2D2, Chewbaca, Princess Leia and a not quite ready for production Luke including a double extension light saber (head mounted funny, and feet not level).

Until 2005 I never saw this set in any collector catalog- but that year a similar set appeared and was valued at $400. Still not my set but the same figures in similar packaging called an "early bird" set.

I still have them but they have HEAVY play wear, and of course the dog got hold of the Luke figure and put a tooth into that extremely rare head. I also "fixed" his inability to stand by gluing a piece of model sprue to one shoe sole.
Of course light sabers were all the rage and I remember having some fairly detailed physics discussions with my uncle about how you could make a beam of light stop after a given length.

That winter I also lucked into finding an old golf bag in the alley.
The plastic tubes that you slide the club handles into were the perfect length and were translucent white. It was a no brainer to masking tape them (my mom wasn't aware of duct tape) to a spare flashlight.

It took a year before a very similar device was marketed to consumers.

I wonder if any of my friends from back then remember that.
I recall seeing the first Star Wars film at the Manns Chinese theater in Hollywood. The screen was huge, and when the trumpets blasted the first notes of the introduction music as the opening titles scrolled by, every inch of my thirteen year old self was hopelessly fixated on the screen. Then Princess Leia’s ship came into view, and kept coming into view. It seemed huge at the time, but it was nothing compared to the Star Destroyer that followed it. I sat there staring in awe of the images before my eyes, completely hooked, and in spite of some of the damage done to the franchise with ill conceived plots, poor acting, and stunning breaches of continuity, I’ve been a Star Wars fan ever since. So of course I saw the latest installment, and I can honestly say I enjoyed it. It wasn’t without its flaws, but it was definitely a fun film.
Saw it...

Many hard core Star Wars people didn't like it online, don't let that scare you from seeing it. I thought it was very good. Visual effects are on a macro scale: if your spooked by rough seas, there is a scene for you! That's all I'm going to say.

I give it thumbs up. :thumbsup:
They COMPLETELY changed Luke Skywalker’s personality, his idealism, his CHARACTER. He evidently tried to kill his apprentice revealed in the last movie!?!
Han Solo LEAVES Leia becoming a dead beat dad!?! Oh and suddenly, without reason decides to join the cause again?!?
Emperor is dead, via Vader’s sacrifice, now pointless, emperor is alive again???
Mary Sue Rey picks up a light saber and fights, defeating a trained force welder in a duel?
Go women
They take their new gen hero Po?Damron and emasculate him in the middle of the movie?
Magically light speed jumps can go through other ships when they never did before?
JJ abrams & Disney leadership deny that there are (several hundred) canon stories that explain the culture.
The first of this last 3 movies is a mashup of episode 4, a new hope.

For over a billion dollars Disney dropped the ball on a money making cultural phenomenon. People actually got back in lines to see the movie again in the 70’s & 80’s.
For a feminist movement agenda.

There were actual sequels (grand admiral thrawn) written with dynamic plots.

Disney’s Star War’s rebels was written with plot. Disney’s Mandalorion series IS being written and produced weekly with plot. Both series are GREAT!

Disney does not get a third chance after the previous two movies, it was bad enough to tolerate jar jar binks.

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I'm not a big "must be star wars correct" nerd but I like to be entertained and I was. I liked the story and Rae Skywalker is smoking hot! There are way worse movies in the nine picture franchise. I missed the kissing deal but it means nothing today anyway--------------$00.02
I only like the first three. I wish I would have seen them in the theaters.

I first became a fan when the remastered originals were re released and made a big comeback in 1995. I was 9 years old but I remember the remastered movies on Dolby enhanced VHS lol.

I loved the whole scene on Hoth. When it would snow I would go outside and imagine being on Hoth and saved by Han Solo.