

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2019
Reaction score
milton pa.
My mini starter isone here all but touching the one tube of the TTI header. Did anyone here wrap there starter? What did you use? Is it working?
You could safety wire the shield to the header tube unless you want something more fancy???
I have the OEM starter and was having heat soak issues, I wrapped it with some high heat sheet type stuff I got a NAPA, supposedly good to 1200*.

It worked for me, YMMV.
I wrapped it with some high heat sheet type stuff I got a NAPA

I went to NAPA and asked them for some sheet stuff and they told me to go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
Any more specifics?
The only problem with the wrap is that it holds heat in (engine heat). A metal shield allows for air flow while reflecting exhaust heat.
The only problem with the wrap is that it holds heat in (engine heat). A metal shield allows for air flow while reflecting exhaust heat.
Mine has worked great for this situation.

FWIW, I now have a powermaster mini starter
This is what I’m using on one of my cars.

I think the wrap is great for the strip because the engine doesn't run for a long time. For the street (driving for extended periods of time) I prefer the shield. I'm not saying that the wrap doesn't work or isn't any good, I'm just giving my personal opionion.
I wrapped my header with fiberglass matting (four folds) and then topped it with aluminum flashing cut to size. Wire tied it around the header.
nope its a driver no one is going to see it any ideas where i can get a shield
I know that Spectre, Speedway and Mr. gasket make them but not sure who makes one specifically for a Mopar with headers? All it is is a bend piece of sheet metal with holes drilled in it.