Stock Market



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2011
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Victoria B.C. Canada
ORCL broken out, sheesh, Josh Brown on CNBC called that a coupla weeks ago, shoulda listened, he's right so often.
He's made me a lotta $$$ .
Consider recording "Fast Money" just to listen to his level thoughts .
I topped up Ba Boeing last week, planes have stopped crashing, lotta drone use, should be good to go, blasted off today . . till . .
LYV Live Nation looking good, event season coming .
Added to ULTA, see if it goes back to $500ish.
Bull mkts back .
So is the DOW, etc, generally up or down? I've been afraid to look...................
Just a reminder, passing on what I heard, and what I believe.
Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) is the next dot-com craze .
It's a very good thing, and amazing things/speed of development will ensue .
There will be a huge rush of **** companies adding the AI logo/ID to their names, news, media in an attempt to benefit from something they don't have, be aware .
Google/Alphabet is AI
Nvidia is the proprietary platform AI is developed on, for now .

If the Fed pauses his increases, the market should pop .

Do your own Due Diligence .
Set a "stop loss", either software, or your own discipline, to sell, - if it drops below that price you set at the time you buy ! !
Buy it back cheaper, sell hi, buy low.

I'd like to encourage discussions, and exchange ideas/goals.
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I'm coming back this year after a disastrous run where we dropped 30%. The fed has done it's job, now for the economy to do it's job, and get me back to where I was ........ and then I'm out ! Let all the crazies amble around, I'm going to my island of solitude. :):rolleyes: Take my 5% in savings accounts and CD's while it lasts, and sleep at night.
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The first IPO (Initial public offering) of a new stock CAVA in a very long time . It hasn't opened yet, everyone's on the starting line waiting.
If you have a live feed, watch this thing go .
I used to have an account with 200% margin that was for IPOs only, and prepared to lose it.
Made thousands $$$ in a few seconds, less than a minute. Not for the faint of heart, I would be vibrating .
I'm watching for a meaningful tack or a solid bottom in China before getting too excited.
You should check out Josh Brown this mornings Halftime report, he just loses it on the host that suggested the was no "clarity".
Josh gives off a litany of 5 or 6 sectors that are within or over 1% of all time high, then says, on air "OMFG Scot, what's more clear."
The whole panel cracks right up, host too .
ORCL broken out, sheesh, Josh Brown on CNBC called that a coupla weeks ago, shoulda listened, he's right so often.
He's made me a lotta $$$ .
Consider recording "Fast Money" just to listen to his level thoughts .
Josh Brown is a thinker for sure, I like him. We decided a few years back to withdraw all of ours out of stock market and put it in real estate. We have done very well, but there is no denying so has the market? Percentage wise we have done better than your typical return from stocks over the last thirty years or so. We just got to the age we could not weather a correction in the market. Having tangible assets is also a plus. Just how we did it, there is a lot of different ways to invest and protect yourself.
That's right! All time highs are not the time to get in. Waiting for a good DIP for my next fix!
Josh Brown is a thinker for sure, I like him. We decided a few years back to withdraw all of ours out of stock market and put it in real estate. We have done very well, but there is no denying so has the market? Percentage wise we have done better than your typical return from stocks over the last thirty years or so. We just got to the age we could not weather a correction in the market. Having tangible assets is also a plus. Just how we did it, there is a lot of different ways to invest and protect yourself.
Yep, real-estate was my start, bought my first duplex at 19, my parents thot I was nuts, and had to sign for it, as I was a minor . $21,700, I had saved 7 k .
That's right! All time highs are not the time to get in. Waiting for a good DIP for my next fix!

You certainly need to be selective, and be aware .
We just had a huge pullback, That was great buying oportunity .
There are a ton off lagards, as there always are .
Holy Crap !
ULTA up $70 after hours, no news .
I was wondering if it'd go back to $500 after it pulled back to $400 a coupla weeks ago .
$526 today .
Apple all time high .
A word about "talking heads", the financial gurus on media, Josh Brown, Cramer, Suzie .
I've been thru a bunch thru the years, some good, some bad, one thing about them all, is they may tell you about their opinion on a hot stock, but, but, they seldom tell you when to get out, or show up when the chit hits the fan, I lost a lotta $$$ in the beginning, thinking mentioned stocks were gonna go to moon.
Some did. Many did not .
This is where the "stop loss" , a previously set sell price, that if the trade goes against you, you don't get stuck looking around going WTF .
I try and get a feel for what the stock will move up or down in a coupla normal days trading, go a few cents below that, set your "stop".
If it goes below that sell it.
It costs you $9ish to get out, it drop $1? a share
buy it back, $9, made $82 on a hundred shares .OR save you *** if it keeps going down, and your saying to yourself, " wish I sold it at the "stop" .
Sperience . . Cheers .
Next up - charts for buy/sell triggers .
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I'm coming back this year after a disastrous run where we dropped 30%. The fed has done it's job, now for the economy to do it's job, and get me back to where I was ........ and then I'm out ! Let all the crazies amble around, I'm going to my island of solitude. :):rolleyes: Take my 5% in savings accounts and CD's while it lasts, and sleep at night.
5% on savings accounts? You must belong to a credit union as most banks here in Missouri are paying 0.10% on savings accounts
I've said for years now it's in an artificial bubble. When it bursts, it's gonna be ugly. Look at the price of gold. Artificially inflated. Gold and silver have historically been much closed in value than what they have been in many years now. I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I ain't the dullest one either. Somethin's up with that.
5% on savings accounts? You must belong to a credit union as most banks here in Missouri are paying 0.10% on savings accounts
Synchrony bank
CIT bank
Citizen bank...
and there are other on line banks that can be reviewed and are FDIC protected ..
some also have 5% CD's which will probably be 5 1/2 % by next week.
I don't remember exactly, but there have been something like 10 ish bubbles since the crash of 1929 and within 3 mos? the market was at or above what it was before Buble bursts .
I had just begun actively trading for the dot com bubble .
What I learned from all, and my biggest mistake was buying penny stocks hoping for the moon, and being disappointed many times .
It used to be a staging line thrill to hit buy, then sell less than 5 mins later. I was a pesky "day trader" that caused the bubble to burst, lol
I learned to buy " blue chip" stocks, quality, earnings, huge value.
Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Tesla, Boeing, Nvidia, Deere, ADM, Cat?, and select others, but there are a world of ETF (Electrically Traded Funds) now avail that have a buncha quality companies in one fund .
Arms funds, defence weapon funds, bank funds, these are how folks get quality dividend paying fund, you buy/sell on computer.
Buy a few bluechips, they increase, split, increase, split, apple split 7 for 1, my 15 became 95, they split x 2 twice, sold half. Playing with house money.
You should consider diversifying, holding CDs, bonds, gold, guns .
Always do your Due Diligence .
Any trades you enter is your decision, and your's alone .
Questions welcome, but I certainly don't know fk, as you all know . lol
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^^^^^ " Always do your Due Diligence " !!!!!! There is a LOT of so called experts on line who have all the answer. It's your money, so work as hard investing it, as you did to make it. I was with Schwab 20 years ago and we purchased three mutual funds through them at there suggestion. Knowing little at that time we went with them. We had one call from them in almost 2 years. One (Blackstone) did very well, other two were stagnant. I started to do my own investigating, as there is (some) good info out there, you just need to do all the leg work before you leap. This last downturn is my last as I'm getting to old to keep getting these shots to the heart. We're at a good place, and our investments at this point are eventually going to our daughter anyway. I just want to have something to give her. As long as the cd's and the savings accounts interest is up there, I'm going down the safe road and slowly take it out of the market. > IMHO < the interest rates will be up for another year at least. Even with the 30% wack we are still well into the black, it's just a bunch of numbers, until you take it out. Good luck all.