Stop in for a cup of coffee

Getting back to old rock, i listened to it,and read the comments. Brought me back to
Robin Trower. I have one tune in my phone,and Itunes never plays it. As in i havent heard it in a year. Or more.
There is no decent music app that shuffles well.
I have a local radio station that plays the old stuff I listened to as a kid. Still enjoy listening to it.
When we travel we have a satellite station and can pick between 60's and 70's music.
There are a ton of no longer played artists out there. Just a few Dave Edmunds, The Good Rats, Other non played Ramones. I was more into punk but growing up where I did I was able to see a good band every night if I wanted to. One guy that put on a great show was Commander Cody. He was on his way out when I got into him. Used to hang backstage once in a while with the band. So many I cannot even list. @PosiRon has turned me on to so many other less know bands it is unbelievable.
Funny Sat night at Carlisle I was hanging with a group from long island that was basically from the same area I grew up in. Had two guys one on a guitar the other on a banjo cranking out John Valby songs. Was a great throwback. Think Mitch has a video of them. Hey @MOPARMITCH able to post that?
You know, I am really starting to wonder about the age of fabo.

When I joined fabo I was like 23 or 24 years old and still considered a young gun.

Time went on and it really doesn't seem like have added many new young guns since then. A few but it seems like quite a low number.

Everyone I talk to is like ancient so i am starting to wonder hurts....45 isn't it?? hurts....45 isn't it??
LOL I still have my close and play!
You know, I am really starting to wonder about the age of fabo.

When I joined fabo I was like 23 or 24 years old and still considered a young gun.

Time went on and it really doesn't seem like have added many new young guns since then. A few but it seems like quite a low number.

Everyone I talk to is like ancient so i am starting to wonder

Most of my cars are the same age!

one day I will get my AARP card and be accepted!

And I just burned a bunch of vinyl's. I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. Even had them at Carlisle
Seems that Rani is like us old folks when it comes to our old cars, but that may be about it. (No offense to Miss Rani) The younger crowd has that disposable mentality when it comes to things like cars, phones, computers, gadgets and evidently even music. Today’s music has a shelf life. Where the music of our days is timeless, classic and full of great ties to great/not so great times. Just like us old folks, we’re classic and full of life and memories. Just one old guy’s opinion.
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Do you know what a 45 album is???

If yes, then you're ancient....
I have a small collection of shellac records and a couple Victrolas. I always wanted a Edison cylinder machine . I have a couple 16 rpm masters as well.
Funny Sat night at Carlisle I was hanging with a group from long island that was basically from the same area I grew up in. Had two guys one on a guitar the other on a banjo cranking out John Valby songs. Was a great throwback. Think Mitch has a video of them. Hey @MOPARMITCH able to post that?
**** Hoppy.......I just deleted that yesterday.....