Stop in for a cup of coffee

So painter reached out to me this afternoon. He is sincere I think and is now determined to finish the car. The part I have not mentioned is that I have paid him cash and did not request a receipt in an effort to move to front of the que. our dialogue today was how much cash do you owe me to settle up. At this point it is just business. I put my business owner hat on. Looks like he is energized to paint. I sure hope so, he is a genuine good guy and a great painter maybe just perhaps a poor business guy. I got the diesel fueled up and ready to drag race trailer and Demon home paint or no paint, I no longer care.
Guess when you walked away it was the best thing to do at that point. May have worked out in your favour.
Hope he is as sincere as we all would like him to be.
Work just keeps getting dumber. The VP of development is ready to quit along with the Chief Medical Officer, VP of regulatory, Director of Clinical Affairs and me as head of CMC Development and Manufacturing. The Chairman of the Board has lost Faith in the the other senior executives beyond us and we have as well.

Oh well, having the Winter off before looking for another gig suits me just fine. Catch up on Home projects and sleep late every day. I’m good with that.
Some of the guys here were not nice to him. Dissed him because he did not have old Mopar. I like the guy and could care less if he has a car or not....
I never paid attention to what car he had. That part isn’t relevent...for me.
I never paid attention to what car he had. That part isn’t relevant...for me.
He was being himself and cracking jokes about something and someone got bent out of shape over it. Not saying this has any bearing on why he is missing.....
Breakfast today.. Yum
Did we lose @lilfontleroy ?
I was thinking of him this morning. Had orange marmalade on my toast. :rofl:
Thought he lived somewhere out your ways - maybe more toward halifax?

Some of the guys here were not nice to him. Dissed him because he did not have old Mopar. I like the guy and could care less if he has a car or not....
Don't know if he did or didn't have a mopar.
I'd say his comments and humor rubbed people at times.
But he seemed to expect that. After all his motto was the anoying orange. So hard to imagine anything said would have stopped him from posting.
He was being himself and cracking jokes about something and someone got bent out of shape over it. Not saying this has any bearing on why he is missing.....
You beat me to that point! Speedy Tim! :poke:
I never paid attention to what car he had. That part isn’t relevent...for me.
It only becomes relevant when it comes to ribbing that isn't appreciated. Then the target wonders who is this guy? Is he part of the tribe...? etc etc.
No idea where he was from Only aware of one Halifaxian on board (ain't that enough?) ! LOL
At some point he made a little guessing game about where lives. Indicated it was somewheres central in Pa. Heck, it could be Centralia. We'ld have to smoke that one out :eek: