Stop in for a cup of coffee

My neighbor widow lady, just brought me this basket of cheer. I help her, by cutting her grass, and repairing her car. She is so sweet. Her daughter gets many of these things abroad, since she is an Airline Attendant
Hey all Merry Christmas!!
Back from the MNL's had a great time.
Getting ready to watch out traditional showing of the movie "Christmas Story"
My kids watch it every year.
Heading out later for out traditional Chinese Christmas dinner.
Enjoy your day and family!!
Back and bloated did not even get to the deserts. You know it is good when all the adults are nodding out on the couches!
I got this.. Perfect...same as mine, but with white int. Mine is black guts..
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Just got back, 60* day, no bad weather, sun shining.
Christmas day!
What better day for a 50 mile cruise!!!
We are rocking stuffed salmon and scallops for dinner. Goes with the seafood frittata I made for breakfast this morning. Wifey got me a super cool ankle first aid kit to wear when I am at work on range or at matches. Plus an undisclosed gift that was wrapped in something slinky! She may have put a bow on her nose and dared me to unwrap my gift! Not sure how we ended up with tequila and orange juice tonight but we have. No turning back now! Hah! You boys and one dainty feet, raccoon slaying female have a great rest of the holiday!
Alone here now. Cooking a 10lb spiral Ham, and some stuffing , and some Brussels Sprouts for dinner. Im sure, Ill be eating this ham for a week, or more.....
Got a few nice gifts today, was a nice Christmas. :)

Retriever/grabber thingy

Wireless borescope camera

Framed artwork from my daughter

And the same shop door mat Frank got!
We had crab legs last night and ham today. My mother in law wrapped up some $100 bills and I got a huge bottle of Tin Cup.
