Stop in for a cup of coffee

Be kid friendly, I am bad but not insensitive, have to find the pic of you in the general prius again!:poke::poke: What would be kind of cool a pic with the member next to whatever they have going on built or not?
that would be cool,
Be kid friendly, I am bad but not insensitive, have to find the pic of you in the general prius again!:poke::poke: What would be kind of cool a pic with the member next to whatever they have going on built or not?
I like the idea, I'd be in. I would fit into the "not" built category lol!
Morning coffee drinkers. Its Friday for you Working stiffs...have a great day.
Thanks for stopping by the PM. The fellow was asking questions I couldn't answer but I knew you could (would). May be he will post a photo so you don't have to guess.

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That's what you have you fit in the built category, I have two "nots" Or is that nu..?
I will get one in front of the cuda that is ripped apart. I will start a conversation I miss anyone add them.
The old boy pulled out a picture of a 52 Dodge truck he had, beauty. Had a great story where he won fan favorite and best in show. Long story but it ended with a pissed off corvette driver who peeled out of the show once he found out he didn't win lol!
Hey all the new comers today. If Dave is a no show I can do one with pics sent to me I have a Vista print account. Add Birthdays?

That’s an idea for sure. I suck at remembering birthdays

Ray should put anniversaries in also for you married guys... :rolleyes:

So she doesn't give you one of these... :mad:
Morning coffee critics, high thirties this morning! Feels like a heat wave. Hope Craig’s Chiefs rocked it last night. I am going to build some spacers today on a little Browning twenty. And looking at going back to the Demon after a bit of mental health break from the car. Can’t wait to see Mitches put together the paint looks really really nice. Super bummed it looks like no calendars from Dave this year. I will PM him and beg!
You might get farther than me. I apparently pissed him off and he left the building.
I cant photo shop so whatever the pic is that's what on there. Guys let me know. And if we do this when the pics are sent to me (e mail) title it calendar. I call all Thursdays! Think can put a image there!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Will have to figure out the cost should not be much.
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