Stop in for a cup of coffee

This is bad and it is still is the first wave. Need to lock down hard again with everyone with a mask. First lock down opening was just to give the economy a kick in the ***,
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Thats for the state- Couple days in a row.
My daughter’s teacher got it, so now she’s home until the 19th, goes back to school the 20th, which is the last day before a two week break for thanksgiving... something they have NEVER done before, normally it’s 2 days.
I would love to see where the hot spots are. I know no one up here thet knows any one in the area that unfortunately got it.
Room for like 1000 more distributors. :rofl:
Don't laugh, I am working on a deal for 600 or so of them.

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I would love to see where the hot spots are. I know no one up here thet knows any one in the area that unfortunately got it.
Around here, it’s finally starting to hit the rural areas in force. Between August 8th when kids went back to school and Nov 1, the county had exactly 1, only 1 confirmed case and it was an 85 yr old woman with prior lung cancer surgery. She died in a nursing home. That was the only case, dead or alive.
Since Nov 1, the totals have skyrocketed. Over 100 confirmed cases a day, schools are closing again.
The schools in Oregon haven’t been open for in person teaching since March. Some schools open for the low level elementary.
Nice day out. Was just noticing all the bikes rolling by when Stefan showed up on a newish Victory Magnum. Said he's selling his Harley in the Spring... Chimney is done. Not too bad. Those CSL logs do a good job loosening it up. Did that near end of last season. Most of the walls are clean tile now. Mainly catches in the mortar. If they had done a neater job building it , would be near immaculate. They just set them and didn't clean up what squeezed out. :BangHead: