Stop in for a cup of coffee

Couple of weeks probably. I need to catch up here almost lift day got me sidetracked
ok, got a ton of stuff in the garage. gonna have to find a home for it, just need to get it in the door for now. hopefully I can get your table done by then. I've got a pretty good idea what I will do, but haven't made any parts yet. should have some time this week.
Good morning Mike 3, been busy eh ! Doing what might I ask :p
looks like the shop has been hoppin' this morning - oh, 224.8 - friggin' hovering in a range lately..
not sure how I lost anything this week. after lift day week I thought I would gain a few. guess the liquid diet is good!
working today too, missing boys track meet ;-( I got wednesday off but didnt get much done.
See? I told you I was inept.
