Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's a thankless job sometimes.

$1.40/hour for cutting grass at an apartment complex.
Cutting neighbor's lawns at age 13 for $10 total pay each lawn. Had four or five lawns. At age 15 working at Burger chef for $1.50 an hour. During summer breaks from school working for an asphalt company in Alexandria Virginia. $5 an hour. Age 17 went to work at an auto parts store as a delivery boy. $2 per hour. Moved up from there, eventually to store owner. In the end had three stores. Retired at age 44..:thumbsup:
I had this cornhole game made up last year when I was here. But I always wanted to paint the tables red with a yellow star at the hole. So I've been working on them a little bit. Brought some sandpaper from America and a sanding block and some wood putty. So I have begun to straighten them out. One coat of filler on now. One more maybe tomorrow. Then I'll paint them in a couple of days. I got to find something to do here in Vietnam other than drink beer and drink coffee. Lol
