Stop in for a cup of coffee

Working on 8 transfer/trip circuits today, taking them off of old channel banks and putting them on the new whiz bang Nokia routers. I'll make sure I don't cut the red wire or bad things will happen. Have a Great Day All!
Never seen one on a wagon before.

There's that style and then there's one that is essentially a 5th wheel hitch on the wagon roof..I think a single axle trailer


Harmon Shadow Roof-Mount RV Trailer Is The Best And Worst Of The '70s

Actually used the term "Loadmistress" once with a female loady on a C-17 lift... she was very well constructed, shall we say.

I could see her processing it and trying to decide if she was offended.

She chose to smile...

We were only there for half the flight anyhow

To explain: The "Loadmaster" is an enlisted person who essentially "owns" the cargo area on the aircraft... what gets on, how it is secured, safety and how it gets off the aircraft...
Loadmaster translated means thankless job! They are the back bone of getting stuff moved around! Unsung hero’s!
My co-worker is a volunteer firefighter, responded to this call over the weekend, perhaps the green patrol down there also parked their Tesla inside the garage and lost their house.

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When I was a firefighter we called those kind of house fires a “Scraper”
Loadmaster translated means thankless job! They are the back bone of getting stuff moved around! Unsung hero’s!
Extremely handy until there is an electrical issue between the basket controls and the base unit and it leaves you stranded for 90 minutes unable to get to the ground :lol:
Not enough income to support the cost of construction?
I would guess the escalating cost to borrow money is also a factor. Wife works for a very large Company tied to energy and construction. They too are seeing projects being cancelled. When the project was designed and bid the Company figures on borrowing at X percent, by the time all the red tape, permits and drawing approvals get done the interest rate on money has escalated to the point the margin is reduced and the exposure for risk is elevated. The Project managers get spooked and pull the plug.