Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning.
Probly slow here cause everyone is busy. I know I was. Got my fenders completely bolted up. Had just enough to hold them on before. Taking advantage of nice weather here this week.
Good morning, Keith!
Your seals are in the mail.
Good to see people waking up.

Good morning, everyone! I'm just back from a meeting at the school where I'm supposed to start "work practice". Turns out there's no point in starting before the semester ends on Thursday. My "supervisor" won't be able to have me tagging along and Tuesday is his last day, so I guess I'll be spending the summer building my car. Can't complain I guess but I was hoping to get started before the summer holiday.
Good to see people waking up.

Good morning, everyone! I'm just back from a meeting at the school where I'm supposed to start "work practice". Turns out there's no point in starting before the semester ends on Thursday. My "supervisor" won't be able to have me tagging along and Tuesday is his last day, so I guess I'll be spending the summer building my car. Can't complain I guess but I was hoping to get started before the summer holiday.
you have the summer off!?
Oop's !! forgot to say Good morning Anders, Mike 3 and ... and zkx is Keith ?
Mike - did you get the brake upgrade done?
Front brakes are dun working on rear gears on my 8 1/4 now.

Can anyone help me find the thread that shows a picture of gas shocks on the trunk lid , it eliminates the T bars.. I know I have seen a member do this and shared it . Just can't find it ..
Well ! You enjoy this day, I hope the weather is nice for you, today looks like a clear blue sky day here,
well, it is raining here right now - but you know... a bad day at home watching it rain is still better than a good day at work! hehehe..
It was some time last winter, two gas shocks was installed to hold the trunk open, a very neat job to I might say.
It was some time last winter, two gas shocks was installed to hold the trunk open, a very neat job to I might say.
seems like a pretty straight forward retro-fit... bend up a couple of brackets and take some careful measurements.. I may be off on this but I feel like I remember seeing where someone use struts from a Subaru...
Gooood morning Ben, you have a full day ahead of you I bet.. Hitting the road early ?