Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well nothing will get done sitting here! I will continually check in since I am home today.
Well nothing will get done sitting here! I will continually check in since I am home today.
Ok, well get some house work dun Susie home maker :D I will be near by Tike, it rained here last night but the sun is out and looks like a calm day for me here, 86 for the high :coffee2:

Same here, Have a good one you, him, you and you! LOL
Have a good one to U :D
Morning group. I am setting in the ER with Mom. She fell and broke her hip. She broke the other one a few months ago. It's hell to get old.

Hope you get her mobile again soon.
I feel your pain though. We really try to help, but between Mae's Dad and mine its turning into a full time job. Dispite both having other siblings, Somehow we both got the privilege of being POA's.
Her Dad continues to improve after his round of pneumonia/strep. He is still in rehab, getting him walking the last few days. Planning to move him in with us this week. I cleaned out my son's old room(except for the closet), and finisheed painting it last night arount 11pm.
My Dad recently lost sight in one eye from infection after cataract removal, plus has various other ailments that really limit what he can do. He's a couple hours from me. Trying to coordinate contractors to look at his roof, but he has Drs appointments near every day...
Good morning men, I have a question for toolmanmike. Is the under hood clearance the same , both early and late A bodys? Tim
Good morning men, I have a question for toolmanmike. Is the under hood clearance the same , both early and late A bodys? Tim

I always thought that the early a's had tighter engine compartments...
Clearance between the stock air cleaner and the underside of the hood, or lateral clearances (Left to right and front to rear)?
Like a prom dress, well don't hit the floor or the bed :glasses7: that's where I threw my last prom dress anyway :D

So you wore a dress to prom....... that would be quite a sight in a prom dress :D
Man.. Pickled hard boiled eggs are the shizit. I pickle them in vinegar and beet juice for about a week. Dozen at a time. Makes for quick breakfast if your in a hurry !!
I was thinking about hard boiled eggs when I was posting that...
It's supposed to rain here today. I can smell the moisture in the air, but it hasn't started. You know that smell right before it starts to rain...
We just got past 3 full days of Rani weather. Should be nice here for a few days.