Stop in for a cup of coffee

Forget what they were supposed to help. It was eerie working on the flight line and looking at the stacks some working some not. Hey Dave what do they call those things not Cipro I know that?
I cant remember either, sounds like cipro?
Just read something g funny in the local weekly free newspaper. It was in a column called “Answer Dan”...

“Dear Dan,
I have lived in this area for 40 years and we have lots of pigeons here and in the city of Philadelphia. I have seen all kinds of baby birds but I’ve never seen a baby pigeon. Why is that?”
(Signed “Confused in Ridley”)

“Dear Confused,
The answer to that is quite simple. The truth is that ALL the pigeons you see are babies. The adults are 6 feet tall and hang out in dark alleys....CHEEP!”
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Those stupid tree huggers did outlaw single use plastic bags. So store back in the day, stores gave away paper bags to put your groceries in. Tree huggers, "Thats killing too many trees"! SOO plastic bags were invented and used. THEN "plastic bags are harming our environment" Same group. SOO stores started selling you re usable plastic bags for 10 cent each. Well, what ever,....NOW stores are selling you, for 10 cents, paper bags!!!!
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Forget what they were supposed to help. It was eerie working on the flight line and looking at the stacks some working some not. Hey Dave what do they call those things not Cipro I know that?
They are potassium iodide pills. There are 3 brands approved by FDA for radiation exposure...IOSAT, ThyroShield and Thyrosafe
All the full timers were supposed to jump on the planes and split, If they were airworthy at the time that is!
Just read something g funny in the local weekly free newspaper. It was in a column called “Answer Dan”...

“Dear Dan,
I have lived in this area for 40 years and we have lots of pigeons here and in the city of Philadelphia. I have seen all kinds of baby birds but I’ve never seen a baby pigeon. Why is that?”
(Signed “Confused in Ridley”)

“Dear Confused,
The answer to that is quite simple. The truth is that ALL the pigeons you see are babies. The adults are 6 feet tall and hang out in dark alleys....CHEEP!”

Trenton NJ.
Is the place where all the baby dad's hide out.

NJ capital to use lasers, audio to get rid of crows
That I remember we used to carry them in zone along with injectors for nerve agent and also something like adrenaline.
Hey Dave, you see where I don't think those wheels will clear the 13 inch brakes?
That I remember we used to carry them in zone along with injectors for nerve agent and also something like adrenaline.
That was Atropine for injection. Also may have been diazepam and pralidoxime as part of the kit.
Hey Dave, you see where I don't think those wheels will clear the 13 inch brakes?
I saw that. Sucks for sure.

I was reminded of the old adage that once the brakes are strong enough to lock the wheels, bigger brakes don’t add any performance.

Perhaps you might want to rethink how much brake you are trying to use.
That was Atropine for injection. Also may have been diazepam and pralidoxime as part of the kit.
Atropine and diazepam there was one more also dam army was injecting it for a rush then we had to sign our life away for it. Like adrenlin to get the others in faster. Toupanflor something I think. They also took canned air and a few others away for abuse, dam grunts guess being in crap conditions for a long time you get bored, hold my rifle and watch this!
I saw that. Sucks for sure.

I was reminded of the old adage that once the brakes are strong enough to lock the wheels, bigger brakes don’t add any performance.

Perhaps you might want to rethink how much brake you are trying to use.
It was more for the look. Really. Still might have a chance they will work, Cass says they will.....