Stop in for a cup of coffee

Was talking to a child hood friend a few months ago about what we did back then would have been a life sentence ,,,,,,,for our parents that is!
Wake up, turn on the tv and see a tornado warning an hour south of here.Strange weather. That doesn't usually happen until late in the afternoon.
My body clock is obviously still off. Woke up about 1:30 a.m. hungry. Went in the kitchen to cook a hamburger with bacon and swiss. Was out of bread so I use some Texas toast that I had to bake in the oven. Right after the oven heats up, the smoke alarm went off in the kitchen. The oven is filthy inside and obviously somebody spilled something inside of it In my absence. I keep finding one thing after another and not right here. Sorry don't mean to rant again.....
I was thinking about ya as I munched my fried egg with cheese and bacon with fresh sliced tomato for Brekkie this morning. Welcome back!
Hey it is not Biden just got a degree! He has no idea though,,,,,,,,
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Seinfeld was the Comencement Speaker at my Granddaughters graduation. Last week.
What a yank off.
Did an endless rambling about nothing, like his show.

Thanked them for giving him a phoney worthless degree and walked off the stage.
Sweet! Amazon just delivered the popcorn seeds I’ve been waiting on for years. Well not waiting on, took me forever to find and surprisingly easy to find on Amazon

strawberry popcorn. It only looks like a strawberry and was at one time native to Indiana. But you can’t find it anymore. It’s not a high volume producer so it’s not profitable. My grandmother used to plant it and it would sell like crack to an addict!
Seinfeld was the Comencement Speaker at my Granddaughters graduation. Last week.
What a yank off.
Did an endless rambling about nothing, like his show.

Thanked them for giving him a phoney worthless degree and walked off the stage.
I could see that from him. He's a comedian not a philosopher.
I turned inta a freaking zombie after a few weeks of sleep depuration.
A military thread that I follow on occasion has a contest going right now asking for quotes you would never hear a Marine say. It is absolutely hilarious. The one I submitted has generated more than a few responses.
“When it is time for me to reenlist, I am going to switch and go Navy”
Some of the responses are very witty and laugh out loud funny.
Looks like the dog is settled in here now. Likes rides but is defiantly not a shop girl, definately a mammas dog.
We have gone from intelligent people who have made it in life to movie stars and athletes to do commencement. Most of those people made it out of luck. I have a couple friends who are better story tellers than Seinfeld.
A military thread that I follow on occasion has a contest going right now asking for quotes you would never hear a Marine say. It is absolutely hilarious. The one I submitted has generated more than a few responses.
“When it is time for me to reenlist, I am going to switch and go Navy”
Some of the responses are very witty and laugh out loud funny.
I was on a amphib and at sea we usually had a large number of marines on board. Felt sorry for them nothing at all to do and crammed into troops berthing's that was crowded. We used to mess with them when we could. One guy put a engraved plaque on a door by the mess decks saying Ice cream shop then a hand written note saying opens at 12 today. Pretty funny prob 300 lined up waiting for it to open for a hour or so!

It was a classic. A few Navy guys were in the line for a bit and one by one left like dam I have to go on watch etc and left. Made it even better! I think we carried up to 800 of them. Thats a lot of crayons!
Good Morning All! Hoppy that's hilarious and mean at same time, mostly hilarious!!!
That's a part of being a family, or in more academic terms 'esprit de corp'
Sometimes it goes too far, but that's pretty harmless.
Hoppy, a new "Gym" sign would probably have worked too, seems like all they did (and probably should have been doing) was eat and work out.
That's a part of being a family, or in more academic terms 'esprit de corp'
Sometimes it goes too far, but that's pretty harmless.
Oh they left us gifts for sure. Every toilet jammed with a t shirt or whatever. Craps under mattresses etcl Every division had a few troop spaces assigned to them for the maintenance.