Stop in for a cup of coffee

Wow... unfortunate that he has to sell

[FOR SALE] - 73 Duster project
Looks pretty decent. Could become a good driver or whateer you'ld want.
I posted in the N and P thread for chips and giggles.
Endless anti Jewish comments.
All I posted was who doesn't like the 3 Stooges.
12 hours later no response.
These days it seems like its all about creating us and them.
A lot of folks eat that up. Grievence culture - all created by 'them'
I could see that from him. He's a comedian not a philosopher.
Seems common these days that entertainers are assumed to be great philosophers of our time.
I had a weird one for a while a Nova Hatch back. That would be $$$$ now.

My brother had a 73 I think. Just a regular duster and that seat folded down. It had like a snakeskin top