Tebow Who????

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I was at the Pats/Broncos game, Sec 114 3rd row(North endzone). The touchdown Brady supposedly scored....didn't happen....I was right there. I'll give Brady credit though, he can hit his passers, but he's also a what, 10-12 year vet playing under that kind of pressure. Give Tebow a chance...his numbers are all ready ways above Elway's when Elway was just a rookie.
Tebow plays with class on the field and lives with class off the field...how many other players do you see building hospitals in 3rd world countries with the millions they're making?? Did I just hear Sam Hurds name..what? Ohhh! Make millions and still trying to deal coke and maryjane. Please!! So let's smack Tebow on both sides of the face and turn a cheek to Hurds....that's what gonna happen. I'm even a Bears fan!!

The last pic is me n my wife...just to prove I was there.


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I'll give Brady credit though, he can hit his passers, but he's also a what, 10-12 year vet playing under that kind of pressure.

ummmm, do you forget how old he was when he won his first superbowl against the rams? wasn't that his second year in the nfl ? he had ice water in his veins from from one.
Great pics 68 SRT8 Dart, thanks for sharing. Somebody else said it perfect, there are a lot of other players out there, it takes more than one. That being said, some players do stand head and shoulders above the others at their position. Brady, Peyton Manning, Breeze, Rodgers just to name the elites. Tebow isn't there, but he may well be in the future.

He's been getting killed from the day he walked on the field in STL. The line is horrid. Bradford has nothing to work with in STL. Jackson is the only other good offensive player on that team.

The Denver O-line is VERY GOOD.

Interesting that I've heard superbowl winning qb's mention the same stuff I have in regards to the tebow. People get all hurt because someone doesn't think their idol is a good qb... oh well. College has zero, nada ZILCH to do with how well a player will do in the NFL. Just like great HS players that stink up the joint in college.

tebow, as I've mentioned before, is a marketing bonanza for the NFL and the $$$ are the only thing that count.

$$$ are the only thing that matter to the NFL period. Nothing new about that.
The bottom line is he is going to win some games and lose some games. I would personally rather him talking about Christ than dog fighting or shooting himself in the leg.
There is going to be critics period.

68 SRT8 DART.....all I can think about is the Bob Uker commercial

Must be in the front row!!...........
(actually third...but looks like a great time for you and the Mrs.)

Merry CHRISTmas
ummmm, do you forget how old he was when he won his first superbowl against the rams? wasn't that his second year in the nfl ? he had ice water in his veins from from one.

Sure this is Tebow's 2nd year; however, it's his first as a starter....and he didn't even start the first 4 games!! He still has a 7-2 record as a starter and as I recall....that's a WINNING record!! So this being his first year I say, "not bad at all." If Brady went to the SB his 2nd year, who says Tebow won't his 2nd year...there's still a lot of time from now to then...heck he may even go this year :cheers:....never know! What would that say about Brady then? What would that say about Tebow?...just that one played a good game and the other didn't.

Thanks! It was a good time...my first NFL game.
He's a great kid, and a great role model. As mentioned, I would rather watch, and support this kid than support a drug dealing, dog fighting, wife beating, thug, any day.
Is he the best QB in the league ? Far from it. But it's early, and only time will tell.
I will tell you this. There is no QB in the league that plays with more compassion, drive, or will. He refuses to lose, and never gives up. Field a team of Tim Tebows, and you would go straight to the dance, every year. He's a great kid, and I wish him well.
i have lived in colorado since 1975. i am not a broncos fan. denver fans are very passionate about their broncos. given that, i have watched people jump on the bronco bandwagon when the broncos are having a winning season and hate on them when they suck. the majority of denver fans here are loyal and they talk a lot of sh*t about them when their team is winning and i have witnessed more than my share of armchair boxing matches over stupid play calling and the ever popular suggested referee pay offs. the broncos CAN be a good team and i have seen it over and over BUT this whole thing with tebows last minute antics will never have any success in the playoffs.yes it is great entertainment and it draws the fans and the dollars but it will never win a superbowl game.THATS NOT TO SAY that 3 or 4 years down the road that tebow wont pull off big wins but you have to be consistant throughout the game. elway earned his respect with last minute comebacks ,but he was also just as good throughout the 60 minutes,most of the time.the tebow thing has gotten blown out of the water and i think that while it will make him and the nfl big bucks, he just isnt a good QB RIGHT NOW.it is amazing what the media can do to one person, he does that BS for the cameras but yes,he is a good role model.here in colorado, that tebowing bullsh*t is all over the news ALL THE TIME, and it is OLD already,i would turn it off,but it is everywhere and well, i dont like him,and if they were to win a super bowl i still wouldnt like him,thats my opinion, but how many people do you know that have all of the sudden became denver fans?its amazing,when the season first started,i overhear a coworker (a vikings fan)talking about how the broncos suck and how they couldnt win a game if hell froze over, and the week before last he was a raving broncos lover for years. what a hyprocrite.its old already, GO BRONCOS lol
i have watched people jump on the bronco bandwagon when the broncos are having a winning season and hate on them when they suck. the majority of denver fans here are loyal and they talk a lot of sh*t about them when their team is winning and i have witnessed more than my share of armchair boxing matches over stupid play calling and the ever popular suggested referee pay offs.

can say the same about almost any city that has a NFL team.
This just in... Someone is an AFC east fan!

Looks like whatever happens, the broncos get pittsburgh or baltimore in the first round.
Rut row. Tebow loses third in a row and has to play the steelers next. He better get back on gods good side again. And fast too. :)
I guarantee he never left Gods "good side''

BTW Joe...you might want to use the big G when you spell God...you know...just in case
It's OK Joe....I can tell you don't subscribe...cause you really don't have a clue how it works

here's the short version
God doesn't serve us....We serve Him.

now.....back to football
your'e right...the Broncos got their butts beat!
From the comments of Tebow today,I don't think you will shake his faith.The Bronco's have came up with some wins-which is more than you can say for some other teams that have-by some standards a better quarterback.IE Rams If you don't give the boy the respect that he has earned by leading the team and also rallying the team then it's not about the game.But I also remember the comments pointed at Warner.
LOL...this is too funny. What has Tebow accomplished that Brady hasn't already set the bar for? Are you serious? Tebow has been in the NFL for two years...as a coat tail! LMAO!
I think he was talking about real life, not a football game. Football means a lot to some and nothing to others. Personally, I think the NFL is nothing but a bunch of free agents and "teams" do not exist anymore. NFL does not get a dime of my hard earned money. Besides, the NFL is rigged. and the Patriots head coach is a dishonest cheat.
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