Thanks Dept. of State 90 days and counting....



Thanks Hemiroid!!!!
Mar 14, 2009
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Triangle, V.A.
I will leave it at that for now. Don't want to say anything that might get me in trouble so I will calm down before I explain everything.
Ok now that I have calmed down a little here is the reason I am so pissed right now. When I deployed in May of last year we were told we would be home in December when the "war' was over and the deadline to leave came. November roles around and we are told that we are staying to support the Dept. of State at the Embassy's around the country. 6-7 weeks ago we are told you have a plane scheduled to pick you and your gear up and you will be leaving Iraq May 10th. So we get 20 days away from leaving, on the 20th of this month and they tell us there is no plane to come get us. We are stuck here and now we have to jump through hoops to get all of our gear down to Kuwait in the next week as all military aircraft will not be allowed to land in Iraq starting the 1st of May. On top of that we now don't have a way to get back to the US. The soonest they can possibly get us home would be a flight out on the 21st of May. Maybe. Then today we are told to expect to stay an additional 60 days on top of the now 30 days we have left as the Dept. of State has officially requested that we stay 60 extra days. All of this because they people over here that make $150k a year can't seen to get their damn fingers out of their asses. I would also like to include the dickbags that are in D.C. that are to lazy to ensure that the passports and visas for our replacements get stamped as that is their only job. That was supposed to be done 30-45 days ago and still isn't done yet. Also a job that pays $100k a year. It is pretty bad when my unit is the only complete unit still in this country and we belong to the Dept of State not DOD, so this is between DOS, the Sec Def, and Congress. My little 36 man unit has the attention of some of the highest people in our government and they can't get their act together long enough for me to make it home to not miss the 2nd birthday in a row of my 4 year old that will soon be 5 in June. Hell at this rate I will be happy to make my wifes birthday in August.
:protest: Bureaucrats. Sorry to hear this. I know much you have been looking forward to your well-deserved return. I can't imagine your frustration.

:sign3:Wow!!!!!!!!! This is a big disappointment and a well deserved rant Corey.... I feel so bad for your family and you along with your 36 man unit....
From what I am reading there is some folks not doing there job's!!! If it was you or me we would not get paid for something we did not do... Yet they still have there big pay check coming in :protest:
To all the people that made this happen!! You all should be locked up in there office and stay away from there families till they get you and your 36 men and ladies home....

All I can say is stay strong and I bet your family is sad/mad at all this bs you have been put threw
Your Arkansas friend here if you need anything I can do.............. Damn I am mad!!:banghead::banghead:
That's the problem with being govt. Property. They can pretty much do with you what they want, and change the rules when they want. I understand your distress, but other then complain and you need to be careful in today's age what and how you do that. There is really not much recourse. Sorry for your plight been there and then some.
Yeah that's why I am not naming people and screaming and yelling to much. It doesn't do much good to get all worked up, it isn't gonna change things. SO I am just gonna go with the flow and see how things go. The worst thing that can happen is I have to stay here an extra 60 days and make an extra $1000 a month, I can find a place to spend $2000. My truck could use a new full suspension kit and a new hood.
What hood are you looking at for your Truck Corey ?
Wow Corey that has to be a real kick in the nuts!
Hang in there, may be some good news around to come.

Damn. I am sorry. Just know we got your back.....for whatever that's worth and if you need to talk, just message me here or FB. Love you man and stay safe.
Sorry to hear, Corey.You gotta be going nuts missing the family.
Sorry to hear of your holdup,i can relate 10 years military never beleved anything they said,hopefully everything will work out and you'll be home soon don't let this ruin any thoughts you had of staying till retirement [i wish i could have]. THANK YOU AND ALL OTHERS SERVING FOR YA'LLS SERVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
State Dept?????......isn't that Hillary?

What a bee-aatch....and thats being nice

I stand with you dusted72......and thank you for your service!

Mopar to ya'
stay safe,
thank you for your service buddy. i completely understand your situation, as i am an O.I.F. (operation iraqi freedom) veteran. was in the active duty army from 2005-2009. serving 2 15 month deployments in that SH!THOLE. they did the same **** to us. hang in there. ull be home soon.
Corey, Sorry to here you will be delayed coming home and I really feel bad that you will possibly miss another birthday celebration with your daughter. Keep your chin up and your head down, and come home safely. Thank you so much for your service, and making America a GREAT country to live in ( Land of the free and home of the brave).

Bill S.
Sorry to hear about your plight... hang in there buddy. Thanks for your service, we're behind ya.
Sorry to hear about all the delays.

The US government has NEVER been known for their EFFICIENCY...

Hang in there.
Corey, are they looking at taking you out on the 130s to Ali Al Salaam? Once they get their paperwork squared away you'd think it would be as simple as filing a flight plan once the aircraft were designated for the task.
Sorry to hear they're screwing around with your departure date. Definitely doesn't help with morale. Best of luck to you and your unit, and get out of there as soon as you can.
Corey, are they looking at taking you out on the 130s to Ali Al Salaam? Once they get their paperwork squared away you'd think it would be as simple as filing a flight plan once the aircraft were designated for the task.
Sorry to hear they're screwing around with your departure date. Definitely doesn't help with morale. Best of luck to you and your unit, and get out of there as soon as you can.

You would think it would be simple. But the fact of the matter is the State Dept is the ones in charge and all Military planes will stop landing in Iraq in about 10 days. Iraqis are no longer gonna allow 130s and 17s to land. We have a 17 coming in Tuesday to get all gear and take a few guys out. The problem lies with DOS requiring support until the 9th of May and they still haven't gotten our replacements lined up. They keep dragging their feet with passports and visas to get in the country. It is one giant cluster bad word. Also the Army decided they didn't want to pay to have a dedicated plane come out here and get us. If we ship everything to Ali Ah Salem (sp) space A it is free. Then we have to find a plane to get us back to the states since they are all used for Afgahnistan now. We are the lone unit in Iraq still. There are soldiers here but they are all officers in staff positions. Our little 36 man unit is in front of the Sec Def and Congress and they are trying to figure out what to do. All the while we are in limbo with no answers.