Think you know your car parts?

Easy but fun. 50/50 I'm going to have my son who's in his 4th year automotive in high school and starting auto tech in college this fall for his asce certification. Will be fun to see if dumb old dad is sharper. Lol.
48/50 almost a genius considering I'm 99 percent old school engines
Page choked on me too when I got near the end. None of their options for the marker lamp bulbs were accurate. And yeah, brake clippers? I think a noob created the test.
I got 49 out of 50
And 43 out of 50 on the "real" test (yup, replaced that)
49 out 50 oil cooler looked too small thought it was an oil filter that was non disposable
Not difficult. A couple images threw me off, as i use my phone...had to look close.