this is my grandaughter u are praying for

here is a pic I took today of Kiera's twin sister Kylie

she is also in BC Children's hospital with pneumonia


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Praying for the twins to be healthy and for the hospital visits to be behind you all. For now it is good they are where they can get the best possible care. In the photos, their faces look so peaceful yet determined, don't they?
here is a pic of Kiera from yesterday

she is still in BC Children's hospital

doctors think the virus she had was affecting her breathing

her oxygen level dropped close to 60

as a result of all of this the doctors fear that she now has a collapsed lung


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I think i will keep those two sweet little angels in our prayers and in our thoughts hope all is well.And hope everyone else is staying strong for them am you...:prayer:
here is Kiera today...

the infection has cleared up and she is now off the oxygen and out of ICU

she is still in BC Children's Hospital though

they want to keep her in for a few more days to make everything is OK


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Just picked up this thread. My prayers go out to you & your family. May God bless these 2 little angels. I hope you will all be home healthy together soon. May he bless & guide the doctors taking care of them. They are incredible! God bless you all!
here are updated pics of Kiera and her twin sister Kylie

they have both been home now for 6 days and all is going well

for both of them

Kiera is scheduled to have her 3rd heart surgery on June 13th

at B.C. Children's Hospital


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The pics of those 2 sweet lil ones has made my day as im sure yours as well. Im very happy all is well. Thanks for posting the update. I know all of us here are going to be delighted to see them. All the very best Edd
Glad too see things are on the up and up, a couple of cuties there, thats fer sure, folks will be chasin the boys away before you know it...
How have I managed to miss this thread from the start???? Prayers and well wishes to ya and for ya. I have been there with our youngest, so I know what you're feeling. There is no more helpless feeling in the world for a dad than to have to watch his kid fight for their life, and know that he is powerless to do anything about it. So very glad to hear they are recovering. If you ever feel like you wanta talk to someone who has already walked thru the hell you are going thru, feel free to call me ANYTIME. I'll PM ya my number.