Treatment for cancer is kicking my ***



Going left turning right
FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2009
Reaction score
Danielsville Pa. 18038
I am on my 11th treatment. 21 to go. getting harder to breath at night. Eating sucks. Been working on the Duster's to keep my mind off of the pain. Friends have been stopping by. Its encouragement. But the more I have been talking the worse it gets at night.

My oldest daughter is an angel. She is the only one in my family that really tells it like it is . The grandsons, The oldest is three. They make all agony from the treatments worth it. 2 from my youngest daughter are living here in my house now.

The Harley is parked can't breath in the cold air anymore. It was fun while it lasted

Satan has really been testing me . God must have a reason.

I have not had a break in the last 7 years so no matter which way things go just not having pain will be a relief. I pray at night while sitting up alone . It helps me keep going until the kids wake up in the morning. Sometimes I make noise to wake them up early

Just thought I would let you all know where I have been and why I have not been on here as much. Pics of the kids. Steve




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sorry to hear this I hope the treatments work for you and yes young children are the best medicine .
This is shitty to hear. I actually just looked at your profile this morning wondering where you had been. It said you had popped in so I figured all was OK. I can only offer my sentiments and prayers from here Steve. 21 more visits and hopefully the results will be positive and you can get back to life as we all take for-granted. Keep up the spirits for the little ones. They love and need you.
Sorry to hear about your cancer. It Sucks plain and simple. My sister just got done with her chemo and radiation. Enjoy your family and hobby as much as you have strength for. Take care and prayers sent.
The good lord above will keep his arms wrapped around you every step of the way. You are in my prayers. Jamie
Awful sorry man. Kitty and I will lift you up in special prayer. Looks like you have awesome support and reason to keep on keepin on. All of us here love you . Don't forget that, either.
Hey! I’d make noise just to wake them cutie pies up to! Heck yea! Let’s play and eat cake with extra frosting!!!

I like your shades by the way. They fit you well.

Best wishes buddy! Hang in there.
Hang tough bud, trying to keep active as much as possible is key I think...prayers sent
Sucks for sure, sorry you've had to endure this...but you have lots to fight for so keep on doing what you need to do and draw strength from everywhere you can. We are all behind you and giving all the strength we can in our own ways.

You can always unburden yourself here and find new strength from those who are always willing to listen, and will always care.

Going through chemo sucks. Doing it alone is nearly impossible. Having places to go to unburden yourself and speak what's on your mind can make chemo twice as effective.

We are here for you brother, even if we don't know you very well...we are here.
Remain tough and kick the cancers butt. You have a beautiful family to enjoy for many years to come.
Take care Sir and get well !
Beautiful family there Steve. Lori n I are blessed with grandchildren too. They make everything better.
Do what you can to enjoy every moment with them. Were all pulling for you.
I will pray for you. You are doing the right thing. It will turn out OK in the end. Love the family pictures. Stay strong for them.
I wish you well Steve. It really is too bad cancer cannot be beaten. I did just hear on the news about a case where they evidently cured the guy by doing genetic analysis and custom made meds based on genetics. he was not expected to live and "seems" to be cancer free

Best of luck. I'm 69, lost a cousin at 26, his cousin at only 19, and my sister at I think 53, from brain cancer.
Sorry to hear.
I would too spend the time with the kids and grandkids.
I wish you well Steve. It really is too bad cancer cannot be beaten. I did just hear on the news about a case where they evidently cured the guy by doing genetic analysis and custom made meds based on genetics. he was not expected to live and "seems" to be cancer free

Best of luck. I'm 69, lost a cousin at 26, his cousin at only 19, and my sister at I think 53, from brain cancer.

Check into "Immuno-Therapy". There have been some amazing stories of success with this.
Best of luck, my Brother. Your family looks happy. Thanks for those pictures.
Great looking brood of grandkids there, Steve, I can see why you keep going. You're a helluva man to take the punches and still find time to enjoy you family, your cars, and find solace in prayer. Stay in the fight, Man!
Great looking brood of grandkids there, Steve, I can see why you keep going. You're a helluva man to take the punches and still find time to enjoy you family, your cars, and find solace in prayer. Stay in the fight, Man!
Prayer sent for u. My brother in law , who is 85, just recently had to go thru 40 treatments, " he is healed!"
Sorry to hear about your cnacer, I went through it 7 years ago. Keep you chin up, everything will work out and you have a great family to back you.

Best of Luck
Keep fighting it, Steve. Tis good to hear from you. I wish I would have stopped by when I was up in PA this summer, but I was so sick and I had lots to do.
Keep plugging and praying.
Sorry to hear this Steve. I know you have had some battles over the last few years. Stay strong. I'll keep ya in my prayers.
I don't know you personally but hang in there, stay strong, hold on to your family, kick this cancers butt, you might need to dig deeper for strength but it's there. I see and deal with cancer quite a bit in my line of work. Thought and prayers for strength to you and your, have to agree very cute kiddos. We are all here for you.
We are keeping you in our prayers Steve, in hopes that your recovery will be complete and quick!!
I also remember some time ago when you were battling cancer and I thought you had it beat.
I'm glad to see you have so many reasons to keep up the fight! They sure are adorable!!
I'll be praying for you Steve.
Stay strong Oldmanmopar! Those grandkids need you! You and yours have been added to my prayer list!