tribute to the Canadian soldiers



By the Big Water
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Duluth, Minnesota
I saw this and thought I would post it to pay tribute to the Canadian men
and women who are serving their country.

[ame=""]YouTube- Canadian Forces Tribute 2009, Going Home Mary Fahl[/ame]

God bless them.
Thank you Canada, Your country and people are strong and my prayers go out to all of the Canadian's that help keep us safe to enjoy our lives
Thank you for sharing that with us norshorblufish
Thanks norshorbluefish for your thoughtfulness and class.
I would like to add to this by thanking all our Canadian and U.S. soldiers for fighting for our
freedom, both country's being North America we are as one.

Nice to see them being honored at the bridge by those who appreciate the sacrifice.
Hey CudaSpaz,that is HWY401 renamed The HWY OF HEROES.It,s the busiest hwy in North America.When our fallen troops are brought home to base Trenton in Ontario,they,re transported along this hwy to Toronto for Autopsy.There,s always a great showing of respect by Canadians.Thanks for posting Norshorblufish!
A flag draped coffin is not the way one wishes to see their national banner. They do however remind us freedom is not free and no tribute can be too great to honor those making the ultimate sacriface. There is no way to quantify the pride felt in being neighbors with Canada and Canadians. May Her fallen warriors rest in peace knowing their service is deeply appreciated. May God Bless them, their families, and those members still serving.
It brings a tear to my eye....
My father was a WW 2 vet.
Many thanks to all our servicemen (and women) from Canada, U.S.A, Britain, and all other allies.
And thanks to you norshorblufish for sharing this with us.
A flag draped coffin is not the way one wishes to see their national banner. They do however remind us freedom is not free and no tribute can be too great to honor those making the ultimate sacriface. There is no way to quantify the pride felt in being neighbors with Canada and Canadians. May Her fallen warriors rest in peace knowing their service is deeply appreciated. May God Bless them, their families, and those members still serving.

Nice going, Bargeahead. I can't think of any way of saying that any better.
To Canada, Thank You.
Of the vast warehouse of blessing the US has enjoyed over the years, one of the greatest is sharing a border with the finest bunch of folks a guy could ever want to have next door.

Having grown up in New Hampshire I have had the opportunity to enjoy the company and good will of our fine Neighbors to the North all of my life.

Canada's joy is our joy. Their victories are our victories. And when you are injured we bleed right along with you.

We support our troops for sure, but our allies who have boots on the ground are right their in our hearts next to our own countrymen.

USA and Canada: Friends forever!
It is a surreal feeling of sadness but at the same time pride when you see the Patriotism shown at the Highway of Heroes on the bridges. The emotions are so overwhelming. Our freedom we share in North America comes with a price and our soldiers and families are paying that price. Thanks for sharing norshorblufish

It is my honor to post this.
We sometimes forget there are others fighting along side our troops and we appreciate their sacrifices as much as our own troops.

Great great grandparents on my dads side of the family were from New Brunswick and Ontario on my mothers side of the family.So I have some Canadian blood flowing in my veins.

I still have relatives in New Brunswick I have never meet. There maybe some that are fighting along side American men and women as I write this, as there was in the past wars.

I send my gratitude and my wishes for a safe journey back home to all the allied troops.

My cousin is in the Canadian military (rank of Major) and he did two stints in Afghanistan, with two tours through the former Yugoslavia. It is such a shame that we lose good soldiers because of stupid "rules of engagement". If we are at war, we should be shooting first and not waiting until getting shot at.

This is a problem for both US and Canadian soldiers deployed in war zones. My neighbour in the apartment below me spent 4 years in the US Marine Corps and has no respect for the idiots who impose the "rules" upon the soldiers. He was lucky that, as a truck driver, his tour in Iraq was as the personal driver of a Colonel. Thus, he has none of the issues that combat soldiers face.

If you are going to send people to war, let the soldiers do their jobs and fewer will be lost!!
God bless you all,both well wishers and soldiers. Soldiering has to be one of the toughest jobs there is.
Thank you for that post norshor.It warms my heart to see something like this from an American brother.Can we possibly tell our men and women who fight for our freedom how much we appreciate what they do for us.To make the supreme sacrifice,we cannot ask anymore of them.Well said Roger.

To the fallen heroes.......:salute:
Thank you norshorbluefish.

God Bless our Canadian brothers and sisters who serve and fight for the
Freedom that we all enjoy.

Brought a few tears as I watched and listened.
Thanks for posting that norshorbluefish. Freedom is not free and does not come without the sacrifices of the brave ones.

God Bless the soldiers..........:salute: