turn signal switch wire end connector



Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
McClure, Pa
I would like to replace the wire holder, plastic, that the wire from the switch go through on the switch end, mine is white and looks like it holds up to 10 wires. Anyone have a good use one or new one for sale? If not can you buy new anywhere?
Can't buy new. A junkyard, ebay, or someone here is best. One idea is to look at Dodge motorhomes and vans. I took the turn signal connector off an ~85 one that matched my 60's cars, along with other wiring parts. They tended to keep a design longer in motorhomes, or maybe used left-over parts in those designs.
If all else fails you could get molex male and female connectors from radio shack or ebay, replacing both male and female
I have spare(s) but hoarding for my 3 60's Mopars. Sorry. I did buy the mating pair from somebody here a few years ago fairly cheap (~$15 w shipping).
Do you care if it's "original?" I don't know about the later, but the one on my 67 is a REAL poor design. If I were in your shoes, I'd go get something like a Molex connector.
I just wantsomething that works but I think my friend cudacrazy67 has one I wll check suny if I can find time.