Urgent message!!

Sure these sort of things happened in the 70s and 80s but now everyone with a business mind knows how to work out what something is worth ith a simple internet search.

Nobody would sell for scrap these days when they can get ten or twenty plus times the scrap value.
It did happen.It was mine and my fathers stuff.Dad made a deal to sell his mechanic/exhaust business to a guy without me being present at the time.I was at work and got a phone call from mom.She told me that they can retire now and not have to worry about things anymore.The guy that ended up buying the place ended up screwing us.He had the paperwork drawn up by his lawyer right after he handed my dad $20,000 cash as earnest money.Parents couldn't resist the money.The guy had the paperwork drawn up that he would get everything on the property.The day they went to sign the papers the guy had a check check written out,basically waving it in front of them while they signed without reading it.The cash and check were not reported due to tax purposes and they ended up getting another big check for the sell "price" of the business.By the time I got back into town I was only able to save a few things.Bryan helped me out quite a bit by moving some things to my house and I tried to help him by making sure he got quite a bit of stuff for a few dollars.Of course the cash went to the guy who just bought the place.While that was going on,the guy started hauling off blocks,trannys,complete motors including 30 something 440's and a ton of 383's,360's,340's,400's,intakes,cars,original A12 steel wheels,dana 60's,4 speeds,carbs,etc to the scrap yard.I literally had to buy some of the stuff back from him.I saved what I could,but he had the legal paperwork.The 4 post lifts,tools and equipment were sold within a couple days.What wasn't sold was scrapped.I'm not on speaking terms with my parents anymore and I actually moved across the state since there isn't anything left for me in that town.And the GT did have the 5 clutch Hemi 727 in it.Complete solid car.I didn't have time to do anything with it or anything else.All I was able to save from it was the fender tag.Dad lost his race car in the deal as well.Mom lost her Elvis vinyls and collectables.Old family photo albums,my baby pics,everything was thrown away.I'm just now able to really talk about it without getting too angry.The guy that bought it didn't care for anything that was there.He was trying to get all of his equipment in and his business up and running before the first of the year so he could use it all as a tax write off.Sorry for the rant and long post but I finally felt like venting a little bit.
And to clear things up a little more,we were trying to sell some things to people before the guy that bought the business had his guys come in and start scrapping everything.Both of my parents are in bad health and handicapped so I've been paying their way for the last few years.They couldn't work anymore and didn't use the old shop for anything but storage and me,when I wanted some room to tinker with my cars.We started going through things to sell so they could pocket some cash and not be so dependent on me and my wife.One day when my parents were there just messing around a guy pulled up and asked them if they would sell the building and land with it.He pulled out a big wad of cash and that was that.Great location,plenty of land,huge building.The guy didn't care if it sold or got hauled across the scales.Either way he was going to pocket the cash from it.Like he told me,he's in the business to make money,not collect scrap iron and junk.He owns a chain of oilfield hydraulic repair shops across the country,so he had the money to flash in front of my parents.We only had around 48 hours before the paperwork and all drawn up and he had my parents sign.That day he had his guys cleaning house so his equipment could go in.He was up and operational within a few weeks.What's a few thousand in cars and parts when he makes $200,000-300,000 per month out my dad's old shop?Especially when everything he did was a business expense and could be written off for that year.I admit that it was a good business move.That's pretty much the story.It did happen,so believe it or not people are still scrapping what they consider junk.Yeah,I'm bitter.Cividicus could back up that story too.He's another member here that knows what was going on.
Wow!! How sad. I hope mom and dad are doing ok.
You are not on speaking terms with your parents any longer because of this? I suggest that you get some counseling, even if it's over a beer with a good buddy.
Just reading your posts, sounds like your folks thought they were doing you a favor. They could retire and not be so dependent on you and your wife. Maybe they are not as educated as you are? I am sure that they are heartbroken over the loss of everything also. Not just pictures and memorabilia, but the shop represented their life didn't it? You didn't have a lot of interest in it, or hadn't communicated this to your folks. And now, not only did they lose of that "stuff", they also lost a son. Got any kids so that your parents can really feel guilty? How do you explain (or will explain) to kids that you felt some old engine blocks were more valuable than them knowing their grandparents?
So what are you out? A pile of stuff that belonged to your folks? Engine blocks and a couple of cars?
I admit, I don't know all the facts. But I have seen families split up over crap like this many times.
I make no apology, but I felt the need to vent.
I agree with Cal. If you are not on speaking terms and moved across the state because of a bunch of material things, you need some help. The day will come when one or both of them passes and you will regret the decision you made. I know. I live every day with a decision I made 30 years ago over a woman and never got to tell my dad how much I loved him and he passed. You need to rethink your decision. You are in my prayers.
I really hate to think i would let some cars and parts or anything for that matter come between me and my Mom and Dad. You'll realize one day how moms and dads are not
always gonna be here and when they are not it will hit home. i hope you can find a way
to have a change of heart. I would'nt give my family for anything in this world.
Just some advice take it or leave it.
Wow....I am just seeing this and know exactly where all this WAS.

I had stopped by 900 times to inquire about a 74 Duster 360 Convertriple just sitting there for 15 years......deteriorating.

$6000- 1995

$6000- 1998

$6000- 2003

ok.....$5999- 2008

So I guess it got crushed too?
I smell bullshit. Your parents could have EASILY retained an attorney and stopped the sale all the way up until the end. They could have given the cash back or place in an escrow account until the details were ironed out. C'mon man.
i smell bullshit. Your parents could have easily retained an attorney and stopped the sale all the way up until the end. They could have given the cash back or place in an escrow account until the details were ironed out. C'mon man.

Let him mourn. Geez. It was his elderly parents against a sharp businessman. They are probably not the first this guy took. Cash talks loud, and a contract is a contract. And Elderly are easy targets.
I smell bullshit. Your parents could have EASILY retained an attorney and stopped the sale all the way up until the end. They could have given the cash back or place in an escrow account until the details were ironed out. C'mon man.
Something seems a bit sketchy as the guy was scrapping the stuff but yet he wanted TOP DOLLAR for it... Also As stated above the sale could have been stopped all the way till the end. But it wasent.....
You are also in my prayers as you need some help if you moved across the country due to car parts. I do not have my dad (He has not talked to me since I was 6....) It eats at me every day thinking I only saw him a few times and he will not answer the phone to me nor will he make any effort to contact me... I dont even exist to him no more (**** father but nothing I can do and nothing I did caused him to act this way...) I have my mom thank god and the rest of her side of the family but none on my dads side..... You need to cherish the fact they are still here!!! Run towards the problem and straiten it out not away from it and let it get worse!!They will not be here for ever!!
Your decison though and my thoughts!
Not only the cars and parts being my reason,but all the times,all the years I had expressed my interest to my parents about buying the business.I had already been approved by a bank for the loan and I figured it would be a win win for all of us.I could reopen the doors of the mechanic shop and get it operational again,they would get some cash and I could keep the place I grew up in.No,I do not have any kids.I've made it 30 plus years so far and do not plan on having any children any time soon.Wife feels the same way.There was quite a bit of stuff that went down during that time,so it wasn't just one thing n particular that did it.One of the only things my dad and myself could agree on were cars.Other than that we never really got along.I was just hoping that after all my wife and myself had done for them through the years that they would give us first shot at it instead of some guy they didn't know.And no,not everything belonged to my parents.I had plenty of tools and equipment in there.My plans were to one day open it up as a mechanic shop again so I've been gathering things over the years to do so.pishta is right.They weren't the first and won't be the last to be persuaded by that guy.Once the papers were signed and the deed was handed over the same day,there was nothing anyone could do.My parents never tried to sell the place until that guy pulled up in the parking lot and handed them that cash.Then the first of two checks at the signing really convinced them to go through with it.ply30,he wasn't asking top dollar for anything.We-mom,dad,my wife and me were trying to sell some things before this guy ever came around.Once he got his hands on it his entire goal was to clear it out asap and move his stuff in.I guess I can't really blame anyone in this situation.It's hard to turn down that kind of money,even though I know that they got screwed on the price of everything and the guy got a damn good location with plenty of land and building for his needs and what he spent.I just wanted first shot at it to carry on with what dad started.
Hey Prine,just seen your post.The Duster is safe and sound.I managed to talk my dad into selling it to me for $500 less than he quoted you.Yep,got a discount.I tracked down the original owner that ordered the car and had him write me a letter explaining everything about the car from new to the time he sold it.My dad was the second owner of it.Some of my earliest memories were with dad driving me around in that car.I couldn't let it get crushed.I think you still have my number,shoot me a message sometime.I'll give you my email and send you some info I got on the Duster.Pretty interesting stuff.It spent some time in Turkey and Germany before coming back to the states.If I didn't buy it I told Chris that I'd make sure you got a shot at it.Chris and his dad got screwed by the same guy as my parents.Ask Jimmy about him sometime.He doesn't have much good to say about him and the way he does business.
why is everyone being so negative...i was not lying when i started this post and manofmopar isnt feeding anyone full of anything. i was trying to help any members looking for parts and unfortunately i had to leave for surgery and missed a ton of stuff that got scrapped, shame on all of you who pretends to know what he went threw or how his life has been.
Probably not.
About those Furys... I think they only made 51 1970 Plymouth Sport Fury GT's with the 440 six barrel setup. The rest had the standard 440 magnum (four barrel).
That whole situation sucks for all involved except the guy that ended up with the property.

However, in my very short career as a business owner and contract writer, I have been told several times by realtors, real estate attorneys, and even a judge-

The law factors in, and judges are required to take into account the business experience levels of the two parties in question with respect to any given contract, IE; if you are a professional business person, you can't word you your contract to take advantage of granny who's only ever signed a half dozen contracts in her life.

With that said, it doesn't sound like the circumstances were even going to be right for that to come into play.

Still sucks.
As with most Muscle Cars of the day, the Sport Fury GT was offered with several High Impact colors, including In Violet, Limelight, Lemon Twist, Vitamin C, Tor Red, and – during the mid-year refresh – Moulin Rouge and Sassy Grass Green. And since the GT was based on the Sport Fury, it received standard hidden headlights and was trimmed to a higher level. For the 1970 model year, records indicate that only 666 Plymouth Sport Fury GT’s were produced, with what is believed to be around 64 of those powered by 440 6-barrel engine. According to the 1970 Sport Fury GT 440-6 Registry, 11 are known to exist.
This makes me wonder if i should get my act together and sell off a bunch of stuff, so somebody will get some use out of it.
My brother has an idea what it's worth, and my wife thinks it's a bunch of junk worth scrap weight.
SAD, Sad story you tell.
Makes me and a lot of others think.........
People get stuck in the concept that without the cars or parts, or "stuff" that they are somehow less of a person. Usually because of a reputation earned decades earlier. I had that for a few years a long time ago. I scrapped a ton of stuff too. I was also estranged from my Dad from about age 12 to 41. Part of my healing was to reach out and air the laundry. Now we're muc hcloser and have a solid relationship. This stuff is just old metal when it gets compared to family or people. Congrats to your parents for finding security, such as it is and for you for grabing the car with the memories. If you want to opena shop - do so. Then you can depreciate new mondern equipment and do what you love. Only thing stopping you is you. Kind of like your parents until the sale.