Vintage 1969 Dodge Swinger 340 road test video

Hmmmmm ... the disputed blue-coloured 340 of '69 ... HA!

Should've given Bill Hickman a turn behind the wheel ! Or Cary Loftin ... or ...
Just added another video to my Youtube favorites!! Awesome!! They were really thrashing those cars on bias ply tires!! I would love to be a test driver!
not a road test but a couple cool old duster videos lol

[ame=""]YouTube - 1971 Plymouth Duster Commercial[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Chrysler Plymouth Duster 1972 Tv commercial[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Plymouth Makes It for 1970[/ame]
Cool, yeah it looked awfully scary in the corners. Notice the driver was wearing a helmet in the 1st dart, then took it off for the 4spd car???