wanting what you have

I love all my junk!! Do I want more?? Heck yea, and I'd love that junk too!! Sound like a pattern??? Geof
I have always been thankful for what I own. The other thread is a what if you could. Nothing wrong with dreaming. Some dream cars are easier to get then others. I delayed getting my dart on the road for a chance at a car that I wanted since I was 20. I've been smiling everyday just looking at it and driving it. The only thing bad about it is its not a Mopar. But every Mopar that I have owned has had a special place in my heart. I miss my 66 Coronet 500 the most. Nothing like buying a car off the original owner for $650. As a previous thread I had,I hate having to choose just one Mopar. They made sooo many awesome cars. Which ever car I owned I've always can't get enough of it. I dying to get my 64 Dart on the road next spring. I'm collecting all the parts i need so I'll be ready to hit it hard come spring! I've falling in love with the early A bodies. But I always see something else that gets me going. Which explains why I have owned over 25 cars in my life. But I'm going to "try" and just stick to my Dart and make it a sweet ride over the years ahead.
I've had Hemi cars, sixpac cars. but this is the one that does it for me. Had this car since dirt was young.


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Work has slowed down the last few years and I had to sell the dream cars I had.68 GTS 36,000 mile 383 4 speed car and my 71 Road Runner 383 4 speed.
I still have one of my dream cars a 67 Formula S 4 speed car but it is a project.And when I sold the Road Runner I had enough to buy my 71 Duster 56,000 mile slant 6 car.The Duster is not a dream car for me but it is a good solid original car.And it has grown on me since I have bought it a few months ago.But for the right B Body or 67-69 Barracuda I will say good bye to the Duster...LOL



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I posted that my dream car was a '68 Hemi Dart on the other thread, and the A-body that I own is a '69 Dart, so I don't feel too bad.
Great post ranidart. That is what the car hobby is about for me. I went through more old mopars than I can name right now but about 10 years ago I came across my dream car.
There she was sitting in a pasture left for dead and unloved. A 68 fastback barracuda.
$30.00 later I was hooking a chain to drag her home. On the first tug the mice were
flowing out of the rust holes in the lower quarters like water.
After a decade of buying and building parts I am ready to begin a complete rebuild and
hopefully will begin to pretty up.
I have heard it all from family and friends about the condition of the car and how can
this one be my favorite.
I don't keep track of how much work and money I put into the car. I do it because it makes me
happy. I am very grateful to have the car and I cant help but smile every time I see it even in its unfinished condition. One of these days.
This thread is a great inspiration for me. Thank you, Rani.
You are right. Some times it's a good thing to be humble and be happy with what you have.
I've had a lot of cars over the years and have loved them all in one way or another, but this is the one that has captured my heart for some reason and i don't know why. Maybe because it brings me back to my roots, maybe because it has a lot of parts from the other cars that i have loved and kept parts off of, or maybe it's the combination of all of the above!
Read the story in my build thread!


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Don't know why my picture didn't show up the first time.
Lets try again.

Love driving this car.


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My Daytona is my pride and joy , but as far as being able to drive and enjoy , this is the one . When I get it out , all the neighborhood kids swarm me to go for a ride in it . I built this to enjoy .


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I love my Duster.. When I was 15-16 years old I saw the car that I own now at the local Honda motorcycle dealer and fell in love with it.. Seen it around town several times over the years and dreamed of owning a car like it... Well eventually God blessed me with a well providing job and I was able to buy that same car a few years ago..The car is now "home" and will remain with me until I die or I have no way of paying for the bills.... I feel blessed to be able to own my dream ride... I also love my 1979 Power Wagon but just not quite the connection as the Duster..
while my dream car is a 68-9 Roadrunner I faced the reality of never finding one for a decent price here in rural MT.

Imagine my surprise when I bumped into an old friend wanting to sell his 2nd gen barracudas. The 68 always held a corner of my imagination after reading about the 68 hemi barracuda. It didn't help my lust when this friend took me out to his storage shed in 1996 to show me his own 68 barracuda.

So, long story short, I am very happy with my 68 notch. It may not be a Hemi car, but when I am done it will be exactly what I want from bumper to bumper.
It's the CHANGES to my dream car that I lust after. Proud to own my TX9 '72.

I don't think about other cars because I don't want them. Except a 40mpg daily maybe...
This thread is a great inspiration for me. Thank you, Rani.
You are right. Some times it's a good thing to be humble and be happy with what you have.
I've had a lot of cars over the years and have loved them all in one way or another, but this is the one that has captured my heart for some reason and i don't know why. Maybe because it brings me back to my roots, maybe because it has a lot of parts from the other cars that i have loved and kept parts off of, or maybe it's the combination of all of the above!
Read the story in my build thread!

DAAAANG ....that is one slick dart sport .....anyone in their right mind would be proud of that one :D

very nice ride ....and I don't usually go for dart sports but that car has a nice, sweet personality
I'm real happy and content with my Barracuda... I do want to finish it but don't really want anything different... then again, I have a 59 Suburban and my wife's 68 Mustang to work on as well, and then I have 3 47 Ford COE cabs to make a 4 door crew cab one of these days so, I have lots of stuff to work on.. no wonder I never seem to get anything done!
If you will look back at my "editorials", you will find that I have always said that cars are for people. The people aren't for the cars.
In other words without the people our lives, these are useless pieces of metal.
The cars have history and mean something to us for that reason too.
Just like a person. That's the connection.
If you, like me, have found the car that you like, the sentiment behind it, AND have people to share it with, you have achieved the perfect balance.
Balance is one of the most important words in the language.
Joys and sorrows. Joys and sorrows. That's what life is full of.

ok, now there is another thread going about what type of car different people would pick if you could have any car in existence and money was no issue.

well that is very cool and nice to dream but for me it was hard to answer because in my own mind i already have my dream car.

my mom always told me since i was little that "life is not always about getting what you want but wanting what you have"

so this thread is for your currently owned dream car.......what car do you have that when you look at it , you get complete joy and it keeps you in the hobby. Maybe the car grew on you or it was a dream purchase for you....either way....what car do you already own that makes you smile when you look at it?

for me its my 68 Dart....given to me as a birthday gift and i wasn't really a fan of 68 darts before but now it has become a most prized possession because of who i got it from and because its a cool car IMO lol. even with its slanty engine that purrs like a kitten :D it definitely keeps me motivated to keep working and i have done a lot of work to it so far :cheers:
I'm like most that went from having one cool mopar to multiple. I bought my 65 dart gt vert off of my uncle in 1995 because he couldn't drive 4 speed anymore because his MS. I drove that car my senior year of high school and with mechanical problems it went down in 2000. I started again on the resto 2 years ago and its transformed tromendously. A year ago I ran across another 65 dart gt hardtop this time from a dumb kid and have been driving it for a while until recently when I decided it needed to go faster so that's now down but should be back up soon. I like my 65's because nobody else has them and they are very unassuming until you drop the hammer and no longer see who's trying to catch you.
64ragtop BC (Wish there was a way to put text below the pic as well!)


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Ever since I was 6 I always wanted a 67-69 Dodge Dart, I saw a factory hemi dart in Mopar action it was black, sleek, sexy, and at the same time had that meanness to it and I told my dad after I saw that article that I wanted one and that I will have one eventually, as most of you know and telling by my profile picture that became a reality when I was 15, I got my first dart, it was my baby I spent all of my free time in high school building her and I thought that I would own her as long as I lived but fate had other plans. thankfully through great friends and a great great dad I am now the proud owner of my second baby girl, a 1967 Dart GT, similar build but this one will be around much much longer.


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Had a 71 Swinger. Loved that car. I wanted to fix it up soooo badly, but life happened. That and the fact it was totaled sitting on the street. Well last few years I was in a better position to do my dream car. I couldn't find what I thought was a reasonably priced 71 in good shape, so I settled for my 70. Am I happy wit it? Heck yeah! Only problem is I want to get it on the road so bad, but the pendulum has swung back on me again. Hanging in there and hoping for the best. Working on it, I have majority of stuff, just lacking experience on the body work part. But I will get there!!! It's the car in y avatar and resto thread.
yes the car in my avatar is the same as the blue car pictures above, I actually joined this site the day we brought her home, these old cars have been my life everything I do is cause of these cars, I don't go to movies, I don't go out to eat often unless its at a car show, that's just how much that car was loved and how much this new one is going to be loved
I have lost and let alot of things go to **** in my life but i have always kept my 67 dart gt. the car even sat in a storage unit for nearly 3yrs while i was broke and living in a ghetto apartment. i have built the entire car myself from the ground up. if i ever forget how much i love it i just go for a drive and EVERYONE stops what there doing and notices it. Little kids, old ladies and punk teenagers always gawk when they see the dart rolling thru a parking lot. this is my life's work and i couldnt be prouder.

Well dream car that I own or owned

Well in 1993 and the Prowler was out as a concept I told my wife

WE HAVE TO HAVE ONE if they build it

Then the green light was given to build them

I put a deposit down for the second one the dealer would get not knowing when or how much it would cost

Buying every toy or magazine I could find that had a prowler in it

Driving to auburn to see one in the parade at the Labor Day parade. Going to the dealers to look at one when I heard they got one in. And the new car shows.

By the time my car was built hoping that I could afford it.

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Once we got it then it was make it ours.

The custom paint and all the chrome was done by us within the 1st 6 months

In feb of 2001 it was released into a Johnny Lightning diecast

The car was a life changing experience in now our vacations are where the car wants to go. This weekend we will be meeting up with several in New Castle, Indiana and then next month in Tennessee. We have met people from all over the world that GOT IT and love the Prowler.

Is the other cars out there that I want, yes I have dreamt about a 1962 corvette for the past 42 years and came close to buying a 61 which is what I really wanted once I found out the differences in the 61-62 vettes. But have never been willing to give up my other toys for it and when the right car came up for sale I was worried I wouldn't have a job in another year so didn't want to spend the money.

So my Prowler is really a dream come true.
"so this thread is for your currently owned dream car.......what car do you have that when you look at it , you get complete joy and it keeps you in the hobby."

My currently owned dream car isn't a car…..it is a truck. I always wanted an old truck and was blessed with a lot of help over the ten years I spent building my dream. Sometimes I still stare at in the garage and can't believe it is mine.
