Well..... guess I gotta keep her....



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
So for my b-day.......My girlfriend of 5 years suprised me pretty good.
She got me a new tool box. Yep.... pretty dang nice one. Soooooo I guess now that means I better keep the woman. My guess is she is hoping for something bright and shiney in return. What ya think ?


Forgive the garage mess... in the process of making it pretty...


Couldnt not show the Duster.....


shes definately a keeper mine just complains about the cars and tools well every car except the galaxy i got ,she likes it . could be another reason to get rid of her she likes ferd. lol
Keep her,she is a great catch. Great Birthday present.
Nice! Like your stickers on the wall and wonderful 2 tone Duster! Now put some decals on your tool box! Haha
That is defiantly bright and shinny lol

I personally have a 5 year rule, I figure if it's meant to be I will still be with her in 5 years, I guess you know where I am going with this lol
That is a nice box!! Yep :-k You better keep her RPM and make sure her's is shinier but not bigger, not unless it's a new car :D
Congratulations :cheers:
Nice! Like your stickers on the wall and wonderful 2 tone Duster! Now put some decals on your tool box! Haha

Thanks ! Those "stickers" are really cool CNC Plasma cut signs. You too can get some ;) My buddy makes them. As far as the racing stickers go on the box.... well... my old one was covered in them... I dont think I will on this one until the newnes wears off....
Give her a shiny Duster key ring.
Does she and did she always support and hold your back with the car hobby?
If so, she is a keeper.
She has never not supported my hot rodding habit. She enjoys most car shows (as long as its not too hot out). She is frustrated a bit that the Duster is sick right now and we havent been to as many shows with it. She likes the car (except that its way to noisey at idle) hahah....
So she doesnt mind it.... well... she thinks all my car parts around the garage look junky.... but besides that.... I guess I better start doing some shopping of my own for her.

I had to seriously laugh at the "Shiney Duster keychain" comment... I think I would be strangled and beaten to a pulp. I learned dont anger a Italian... they know people... who know people...

you could get her a shinny new (to you) Dart or something! lol

I am sure you could borrow someones car if you wanted to a little fun when you do pop the question.
I was thinking you could get her a nice,shiny,stainless grill with the optional smoker side attachment,,,,,,,,,,,just sayin'
The girl has taste, (at least in tool boxes) definately a keeper.
Did you get a 5yr warranty on the box? Just askin.....cuz if she goes in 5...hide the tools!
Great looking set of tool boxes Scott!!!! If she looks half as good as those, you gotta buy her something that sparkles.

Reeling you in little at time...... got to keep the slack out of line.....ok let you run for a little bit..... come on back here...set the drag a little more ..... there we go!
I'm in the same boat, after 5 yrs those ring catalogs start showing up...