Well.....She's Gone.



Nov 15, 2005
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Lori picked up the last of her stuff 10 minutes ago. I will not have a beer as I need to feel and deal with this without being numb. I told her this morning I was leaving in 60 days.

My plan is coming together, but it's still hard. Just me and the dog now, but that's all it really was anyway. Time to mourn the past and look to the future. It will get nothing but better from here on out.
hang tight bro, that dog will do you good now, keep in mind 1 less problem to deal with, ive been there.
I been there twice,youll live,and it will get better.My life is much better now,glad things went the way they did.Good luck to ya,i hope youre life gets better too.
Just remember this.

Dogs can't nag your ears off, and they are much easier to please.....and, and they can be quite the "new" chick magnet if used properly.
Sorry to hear that ramcharger, good luck getting over everything if things werent good than its all for the best. Things will turn out better in the long run. Best of luck. Justin
just remember there are lots of fish in the sea.
good luck at getting over the hump,it becomes easer with time
Hey Ramcharger -
Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find your dog is more loyal that any woman and it's love is unconditional. The present may be dark, but the future is getting brighter every moment. Most of us have been there, at least once, and all survived to find a better life.
Sorry to hear about this Ramcharger. Just stay focused on your plan and it will work iself out. You always have us guys here to talk to. If you need to talk to someone let me know. I will pm my cell to you if you want. Just say the word and It's yours.
Well ramcharger!:-k You know when things get better for you and you make it to the top of this mountain that you and your dog are climbing that things will be back to normal.:cheers:

There is a big surprise on the other side of this hill you are climbing.
Remember you are the Man Ram:naka:, and I hope and pray you get there soon.

Your surprise ramcharger!!:thumbrig:

You are the man Ram.


Thank you everyone for your support. I'll be sure to communicate with those who offered if the need arises, but if I just focus on the truck and getting started on a new life, I'm sure everything will work out in my favor.

Thanks again everyone,


BTW, cool pics Mike!
OH wow! Just seen the thread. YIKES! And, good luck with this move. It's now foward and up from here. Chin up pal.
Whew!!! When I saw the title I thought you had lost your car!

But seriously, this always sucks at the beginning but you will move forward and it sounds like you knew it was the right thing to do and that you will be better off. Remain confident of that. You will be proven right.
Wow... first Steve and now Joe. I'm sorry to hear of all these break-ups.

I'll PM you my phone number if you want to talk. This can be a trying time.... I was just on the phone with Steve last night (Redfastback) and aside from Anita leaving, his computer blew up, so he's off-line for the rest of the week. Give me a buzz if you feel the need to vent or just BS.

Truth be known, I'd rather read about break up's than people passing away. We all go throught break up's.... and we all hurt from it. But it passes. Hang tough Joe!
OH wow! Just seen the thread. YIKES! And, good luck with this move. It's now foward and up from here. Chin up pal.

Thanks Rumble. Looking at new places starting today and this past weekend saw looks of work to the RC to get roadworthy enough to tow the Duster.

Whew!!! When I saw the title I thought you had lost your car!

But seriously, this always sucks at the beginning but you will move forward and it sounds like you knew it was the right thing to do and that you will be better off. Remain confident of that. You will be proven right.

LOL! Thanks 2shelbys, I needed that. Ain't no woman gonna get the Duster or the RC, lol. Better things are bound to cross my path.

Wow... first Steve and now Joe. I'm sorry to hear of all these break-ups.

I'll PM you my phone number if you want to talk. This can be a trying time.... I was just on the phone with Steve last night (Redfastback) and aside from Anita leaving, his computer blew up, so he's off-line for the rest of the week. Give me a buzz if you feel the need to vent or just BS.

Truth be known, I'd rather read about break up's than people passing away. We all go throught break up's.... and we all hurt from it. But it passes. Hang tough Joe!

Thanks John and I appreciate the PM. You'll definitely be one of the first I call if I need to talk and yes, better a break up than someone passing away.

Sorry to hear about Steve's computer problems. Nothing worse than having stuff pile on.

You're right, it will pass but I've got to get out of this house. That's phase two of my plan (phase one is getting the RC ready and my stuff packed and ready to move as well as finding a new home). Once I'm out, I'll be able to starting healing. Phase three is getting back into shape both physically and mentally and once again becoming a balanced human being. :-D

Thanks Slanted66!