What Should I Do???What Should I Do???



MoBro Inc.
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Pinckney, Michigan
OK Y'all, you gotta help Nella and I decide what to do with her car "Sunfish". We have been at odds about this dilemma for a couple months now and we need your help to resolve it. Heres the details.....

We got a new windshield for Sunfish a couple years ago and have a new gasket to put it in, but I wanted to remove and repaint the dash before I installed the new windshield. After Nella won the top prize in the "Young Guns" contest, she wanted to put that $$$ towards redoing her dash, and instead of painting it she wants to send it to Leanna at PSC to have powdercoated. All good so far!!! Well, I had taken all of the window trim off, the drip channels, sunvisors, mirror, top chrome and any other items in the way of windshield removal. That was in April!!! The car is still without all of the trim and is such not really driveable unless I reinstall the trim to install the mirror. Need the mirror to install the sunvisors, need the sunvisors to vise the sun, etc. etc. Anyway, heres the informal poll...

A) Do I reinstall the trim so we can enjoy a couple rides in it before the end of the season and and start over in the fall??? (remember that part of Nellas "Young Guns" prize is some gas in the tank for a cruise courtesy of her valentine Memike!!!) Or....

B) Go all the way and remove the windshield and dash and get the darn job DONE!!!! (remember that the dash is going to Leanna so another FABO member would benefit from me getting off my butt here. AND, Small Blocks prize from the "Young Guns" is burning a hole in Nella's wallet!!!) Or...

C) Do what I have been doing... sitting on the couch drinking cold ones and watching baseball!!! ( Not really, but I ain't been workin' on Sunfish either!!!)

Any input is welcomed and the person who has the most convincing argument will save the day for sure. I know it's a win/win situation, but neither Nella or I can seem to jump first and make the decision!!!! Help!!!! Geof and Nella

P.S....Heres a picture of Sunfish out of the Cudacave just after a long needed bath for inspiration!!!

If it were me I would spend a couple of hours right now and reinstall everything and drive that beautiful car till this fall. =P~
If it were me I would spend a couple of hours right now and reinstall everything and drive that beautiful car till this fall. =P~

Im with badart on this one. If it isnt going to cost a serious amount of $$$ to install, remove in fall then reinstall windshield then I would drive her. Man that is a sweet set of wheels!! Hope mine looks as good when she is done!
I agree put it back together and drive it this summer. When it starts to cool off send in to Leanna then. It then becomes a WIN-WIN for everybody.
I'm with all the other guys who say get it done. Find someone to share the experience and it will be easier. A friend told me once, "Time is having it's way with all of us."
i say get it done take it out now and send it also i'm willing to swap my spot in line at psc so u can still get it back and enjoy..........
You say this is your wife's car? Then the decision is simple - do what she wants you to do with her car. Does she want to drive it during the good weather and then take it apart again in the fall?
Her car, her decision.
Just make sure you do what she wants or you'll be the one losing out in one way or another. Just ask any other married guy here on FABO. LOL.
You know, it's almost August, so fall is almost upon you (us). Maybe just getting it together to drive this summer will motivate you to get it all done during the winter. It would me, that's for sure. Quick button up, and fire it up :)

I'm gonna disagree with everyone here, Geof. Just keep sitting on the couch and watch baseball. The car can wait. The couch needs to be held down. I've seen the nasty buggers move...if you don't hold 'em down, they can wreak havoc on an unsuspecting pet. :-D
I would buy some polarized glasses and drive it as is. Vans with solid back doors dont have inside mirrors. I dont think the trim holds the glass does it?
I think the only voice of reason so far was ocdart. If you make the decision, it will end up being wrong. Ask her, then before you start, ask her again.
it aint no fun if it dont get done,
drive it in the sun so it can run
pass you a ford,
so you never get bored
such a nice fish
needs to cruise with your dish!
I chose answer (A)

Enjoy the rest of the season with chrome back on for the time being. I work at a auto glass shop and we just got done with a convertible 55 Chevy windshield yesterday. You want to be done with the dash (like the owner of the 55) and anything else for that matter around the windshield before the chrome is re installed. Once the new windshield has been installed and sealed then the chrome goes on and some bed and glazing needs to be applied. This keeps out wind noise as well as moisture. All of this can be done in a timely fashion during the winter time. Have fun!
You say this is your wife's car? Then the decision is simple - do what she wants you to do with her car. Does she want to drive it during the good weather and then take it apart again in the fall?
Her car, her decision.
Just make sure you do what she wants or you'll be the one losing out in one way or another. Just ask any other married guy here on FABO. LOL.

It's his daughters car.
I say get the girls out for a cruise(Nella and Sunfish)You don,t need any chrome or mirror to look cool 8) in that nice car!Leanna,s topped up for the summer it seems?When the bad weather hits,get it done pronto,so your not in this predicament again.Now get some fresh gas!:toothy10:
Is Leannas oven big enough to do the job on the dash? Nella, that is one sweet car. As i'm doing with my 67 Vert, i'm driving it for the summer and then this winter i'll do a total on it. Take her out and get you some sun and looks and then when the weather aint no good do the good stuff to it.
Small Block
A) Do I reinstall the trim so we can enjoy a couple rides in it before the end of the season and and start over in the fall??? (remember that part of Nellas "Young Guns" prize is some gas in the tank for a cruise courtesy of her valentine Memike!!!) Or....

I know it's a win/win situation, but neither Nella or I can seem to jump first and make the decision!!!! Help!!!! Geof and Nella

It's choice "A" for me Geof and Nella. Drive it while the weather is good and fix it while it's not. Nothing like a drive in a classic Mopar Vert w/ the sun shining and the wind blowing thru your hair :sunny:.

Enjoy the ride 8)
Ok y'all have convinced me. I'm puttin' the trim back on and puttin' Memikes $$$ in the tank and we're gonna head out and burn some fossil fuels. You're right Cheryl, nothing like the wind in your hair from a convertible. Although Ramenth's position on the matter has merit, (it's actually what I've been doing) it's time for some Nella time in Sunfish, and we'll regroup when the weather turns south!!! Thanks for the input everybody, you've all done your job!!! You've successfully lit the fire under my kettle to button her up and enjoy the rest of the summer.

I am due to motivate a couple of others with Sunfish anyway. There are a couple 68's in my area that have been languishing in the weeds for far too long (each for over 20 years!!!) that I would like to stop at with Sunfish. Maybe your motivation will rub off on these gents to get off their collective butts and either do something with their cars or pass them along to someone who will. Thanks again all for the input, you have done your jobs!!! Now, take some of your own advise and hit the road with your loved ones!!! That's what I'm gonna do!!! Geof
Glad to hear you're going to be enjoying the car for awhile Nella and Geof! Scott's right, I'm pretty covered up at the moment but busting butt to get it all caught up. If you're ready over the winter, I will be too. :-D

Is Leannas oven big enough to do the job on the dash? ...

Yes! It's 7 feet tall, 4 feet wide and 3 feet deep. I could fit you in there with it Bill. ;-)