What will you be doing 5/21/2011?

I'll be here!


Nate Myers and the Aces
High energy blues/funk band from Harrisburg, PA

Skyla Burrell Band**
Female-fronted blues band from Chambersburg, PA

Tom Larsen Band
Slide blues veteran from Delaware

Blind Chitlin' Kahunas
Power blues chart-toppers from Williamsport, PA

**** FEATURED ACT ****

From Atlanta, Georgia: National recording artist (son of blues legend Muddy Waters)


World Blues Fusion band from Michigan

7:30 PM- PA Crude Blues Band
Fine local blues to finish your night

6th Annual Blues Fest & Hot Rod / Muscle Car Rally
May 21st, 2011
All day event (11:00am til 8:00pm) - Rain or Shine
$20.00 admission per person

Spyglass Ridge Winery is proud to host the 6th Annual Blues Fest & Muscle Car Rally
at the Winery. Please bring your favorite chair and watch multiple bands perform
on the big stage with wine and food flowing across the winery grounds.

Everyone who comes will receive a commemorative wine glass upon entering.
Bring your Muscle Car & get a 50% discount on admission.
The Bible clearly states that no one knows the hour or the day of His return as He will come like a thief in the night. We must be ready at all times. Are you ready?

I'm glad someone else understands. Its closer then you think my freinds.
moving down to the silicone valley and going to an art/car show....
hopefully enjoying nice weather warm but not inferno hot.
I skimmed through the bickering over what seems to be an obvious contradiction in the bible and i have a question:

What reason do you have to think the may 21st claim is less believable than the claim of "its coming, but we wont know"??

Furthermore, why do you think the bible is a more viable source than the other religions/cultures that made similar predictions? IE: myan prediction, islamic, etc.

Afterall, presumably we're all going to someone's hell.

Thought i'd add this, i was watching the news before i got home and apparently a local nut who buys into this may 21st stuff had his pets confiscated because he was gonna kill them tomorrow.

I wonder how many other people may actually do this, and could that guy be held liable for inciting hysteria?
I will be with my daughter at the CIF track championships...
Cheering her on for the ring !!!!
Its my birthday so... I will be with my family and rocking out having a good time anyway...

Happy Birthday!

If it doesn't rain, we'll probably be burning up more of the oak branches from the tornado's assault on the shop a month ago. They're finally dried out enough now ... we had some 15-foot flames going tonight!

Looks like I will be on my way to Haines....... Hopefully I have cell service so I can say bye to may wife and kids when the "end" comes.
Wonder if this Harold guy put daylight savings time in his calculations ?
The same thing I was doing when the clock flipped over to Jan 1 2000 and will be doing on Dec 21 2012: sitting back and watching the free Freak-Show!

Enjoy! -LY
man I have been hearing about the world coming to an end sence I was old enouh to understand it hasnt happend yet and wen it does there isent a dam thing were going to do about it..SO have fun and enjoy...Artie
Lat night we were treated to news about a dramatic suicide at Vancouver's Swartz ferry terminal. My opinion is that this will be connected to this end of the world nonsense. I already posted what happened in my line of work this past week and the connection to Harold Camping's prediction is confirmed. In my opinion, Mr Camping has blood on his hands and should be held criminally responsible for all this.

You guys don't believe in that **** do you? If it did happen we wouldn't know what the hell hit us anyway!!!!!!!!!
i'll be installing the 360/727 in my valiant,hangin' in the garage with my dad... one of our fave things to do on a saturday end of days or not... :wink:
Today!! I am looking forward to getting more dune to Victoria :D
The rain is gone 8-)8-)
Lat night we were treated to news about a dramatic suicide at Vancouver's Swartz ferry terminal. My opinion is that this will be connected to this end of the world nonsense. I already posted what happened in my line of work this past week and the connection to Harold Camping's prediction is confirmed. In my opinion, Mr Camping has blood on his hands and should be held criminally responsible for all this.


What does he care though? That POS is making millions today.

IMO, he should be charged with fraud, have his church's non-profit status removed, and of course be forced to refund everyone.(which will hopefully bankrupt him and his church)

It boggles the mind how this lying piece of crap has done it 3 times now and hasnt been brought up on charges.