What will you be doing 5/21/2011?

Old Harold better be careful, he's cutting into Jehova Witnesses business, maybe they'll send over one of their "families" to ***** Slap him then kick his *** into the big bright light.:evil5::evil5::evil5:

I'll keep an eye out to the West that night, who knows maybe I'll get a glimse of him as he assends to the stars. All this while I'm reclining at the lake with a beer.

The dumb *** really should get himself a calender, May 21 is this saturday not friday.
Quote::: But, just in case, I think I will have some much needed fun Friday night. One never knows
didnt he predict the end of the world in 1984? Im only excepting cash at the shop tomorrow just in case. credit cards will never clear in time for me to take it with me,
Well my bible says you can tell a false prophet by whether or not their prophecies come true. So if they don't, guess what...

I'll be working though. Even though I'm sure it's not the end of the world it just sucks to think that if it does happen while I'm alive, I'll probably be working. Of course I'll probably be working when I die too so I guess it's 6 of one, half dozen of another.
Like I've been sayin all along. Read Revelation. We ain't nowhere near close.
Today I had to talk with the widow and daughter of an elderly man who jumped in front of a train on my territory yesterday. Couldn't face the thought of May 21. Not funny. Unfortunately true.
If the end of times was right around the corner, this old world would be broilin like a sumbitch. It's really kinda calm all things considered.
A podcast/austin tx based cable access show had a caller with a funny story relating to the idiot w/ his prophecy. The caller called that donation line and offer them 10k with the condition that if the world did not end then he wants a refund w/ 10% interest. Of course, because even they know their full of it, they didnt take the donation.

But fellow "sinners" look on the bright side, if that nut right. Then saturday after 6pm is 1 step closer to a better world.
The Bible clearly states that no one knows the hour or the day of His return as He will come like a thief in the night. We must be ready at all times. Are you ready?
What I'm gonna be doin' on the 21st is cleanin' the garage to get ready for a new project, and gettin' prepared for Church on the 22nd.

(that is, Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.........) :study:
mullinax95 said:
What will you be doing 5/21/2011?
Harold predicts the end of the world on this day by 6pm................ again!

Well, ya never know about these things. I suppose I'll have to be sucking on a beer sitting on my deck, waiting. If the prediction is true, it ought to be a pretty good show!
Probably something we'll never see again!

Then again, if nothing happens, it'll just be a nice afternoon catching some rays, sipping cold beer, catching a nap or two on the deck. I'm good with that. :thumbup:
i wonder if any of them have mopars that they can give me before they go. nobody knows the date or time that jesus will return, he must have skipped that page when he read the bible.
I am going to be cutting the grass because it is over 8 inches tall in 1 week due to the rain!
What I want to know is this : If that *** hat has $140,000 to toss around , why didn't he help someone with it ; someone whose family is in a bad way ; someone who's got mounting medical bills ; or someone who sees a senile old coot with large sums of coin who needs to be institutionalised ???
Gotta love Camping's "Clear Channel" mentality . AND the mentality of "Clear Channel" : bunch of opportunist control freaks that they are :)
I have not seen my wife in 26 hours :tongue9: and I predict I will see her in 42 hours:colors:
I predict rain will move in on the hill Saturday at 10:45 am and be gone by 3:15 pm.:-\"
So to answer mullinax95 question, What will you be doing 5/21/2011 8-)
I will be cleaning my breather and Valve cover in the house sense it will be raining :D

If I believed what Harold predicts I would have already been to the bank and borrowed money on my home and property and have a large under ground living quarters put in, more ammo food and a big sword and do my job to protect my family and friends from the crazy folks in the world 8-)

Ok, it's been a long time sense I have been away from my wife for this long and going a little nuts here on the hill alone :toothy7:
I'll be working, I started my on call week this morning. Hopefully, everyone will believe this load of crapola and no one will be worried about their data and phones so I can snag a 750 engine from the bike boneyard for my friends bike.
It just figures when I have a free weekend, motivation and some primer I'm not going to get anything done.. meh

working on the car!talking **** to the ford guys,generally screwing off
Me and the wife are going for a ride on the horses. Then may go down to the third pond and work on cleaning it up some more. It is all over grown with trees.
If it's true, then by 6:01, I'm going back to smoking pot and getting RIPPED!!!!!!!!
What I want to know is this : If that *** hat has $140,000 to toss around , why didn't he help someone with it ; someone whose family is in a bad way ; someone who's got mounting medical bills ; or someone who sees a senile old coot with large sums of coin who needs to be institutionalised ???
Gotta love Camping's "Clear Channel" mentality . AND the mentality of "Clear Channel" : bunch of opportunist control freaks that they are :)

That's a simple question. He, and others like him are just scammers. Preying on the weak minded and gullible by using the oldest scam available. I'm sure even in the early pre-homosapien days there were cavemen going "ugg ugg sun falling, give jane!"

This really comes down to nothing more than a publicity stunt/fund raiser. 140k sounds like a lot to toss around, but i'll bet its drop in the pond compared to all the money that has been donated.

Sadly people don't remember when these pos's make false claims. But hopefully, this massive stunt will keep it fresh in the minds of people that these end-timers are full of it.
it will be just another saturday !
talk to everyone 5-22-2011
Worldwide earthquake .. BS !
Business as usual for me...Initially I found it funny .
I see it as sad cause as someone mentioned earlier- people buy into this and either end their life or give everything away.
ME. I'll be sitting at home with the family....Toasting the end of the world.LOL.