What will you be doing 5/21/2011?

Helping the wife with the Garage sale and finish up a wiring harness for a fuel injection eng some guy is doing.
6:13 PM EDT in Cow Hampshire and there is a really creepy fog setting in!

The guy on the radio is having a very heavy bertation!

The bugs are so thick you can almost walk on them!

Oh yeah, its always like that here.... Anyone else got anything?
Yep the Suns out and I have birds landing on my window screen,porch railing, and it's oh my 81* it's melting everything. Oh wait I left the stove on.
well... 7:30 here in east canada,buisness as usual... what a f'in load of crap.....i even forgot about this whole ordeal,was busy puttin' in my motor and trans.sounds alot better than worrying about something that even if it did happen,couldn't do a damn thing about it anyways.
i layed out a bunch of complete sets of clothes/shoes to freak out the neighbors
Hope it's a bit longer.. my wife is picking up Chinese, and I'm hoping to get at least a few bites down before......................................................arrrrrrrrrrgh...
7.45 here in so cal and the only thing that came close to an earthquake was.... Me hearing the sound of my v8 -----Bbbbbwwwwwwaaaaaahhhhhhh On the way home from work lol
11:30pm Here. The only hell i been through today was last nights chili on the bowl. Went in like fire came out like fire. Other than that im still here.

On other news i looked on the web search on my buddies iphone. Apprently a lady cut her two daughters wrists and there throats then the same thing to herself because of this non sense. Like....WTF?

Like i understand your chicken **** but....why the hell would you do some sick twisted thing like that? If you believe its gunna happen why not let it kill you (even tho it dont) Sick b**** like.....i dont even know what to say anymore bout that
maybe it happened and just so few people were taken that no one noticed.....

Or more likely, he's insane, greedy, and stupid.