Whatever happened to customer service????



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Dec 4, 2014
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Had to share this.....I got out my upper control arms last night. Figured I would drop them off at a machine shop I know of 15 miles away from where I work. I go there with my new bushings and the arms and when I go in the place a guy comes walking towards me like I'm from another planet. I asked if they didn't allow customers in or something. The guy said it always concerns him when people bring in there own parts......I say I have new bushings to be installed in my UCA's. He says he would have to ask Rob whoever the hell that is......Out comes Rob and says what do you need....I say the same thing, I have new bushings and I would like the old ones removed and the new ones installed. He shakes his head and says hell no.....I won't do them.....I said this is an automotive machine shop right and he says back he's machining right now and walks away.......not even a you can go here or there or a reason behind his answer......I guess the job was too small or something...none the less whenever I do decide the 340 is coming out for a rebuild I can tell you one shop that will not be doing the work......Does anyone still believe in customer service? I take pride in my customer service skills.....am I alone?
No, you're not alone, and when you do find a shop that will do them, they will certainly be a place you will return to time after time!! Hope they put that in their pipe and smoke it!!!
I feel ya. I get the same Bs service alot which is why I do pretty much everything myself. I did get lucky buying mattresses for the family and me and the missus. Picked up 5 twin mattresses 2 box spring and a king sized bed with the springs. They immediately knocked off 20 each mattress then took another 10 or 20% off the top gave me a set if 60$ sheets for free. Basically saved 400 or 500 on it all. Then talked to the guy about taking the display model for showing springs/ mattress thing. Basically it's a mini mattress box thing about the size of an attomen that I thought would be cool to put on the floor next to the bed for well, use your imagination lol. Paid 50$ for the thing lol.
Yes, customer skills suck nowdays. It seems to be a lost art. I would suggest that you take them to a alignment shop that does that kind of work. My machine shop doesn't do that kind of work either.
Also try a local bus service, they do stuff like that and some of the mechanics are actual car guy's who would be interested in your build.
and it will keep getting worse because the next generation don't know how to deal with the public only through electronic devices . I guess they could text you .
To the OP: If you have access to some allthread, washers and large sockets, you can easily install UCA bushings yourself for free. Sometimes it's easier to learn how to do things yourself than trying to find a willing shop with the know-how to do it for you.
To the OP: If you have access to some allthread, washers and large sockets, you can easily install UCA bushings yourself for free. Sometimes it's easier to learn how to do things yourself than trying to find a willing shop with the know-how to do it for you.
I will have to lookup allthread. I do own washers and sockets. I'll try to find a video on u tube that doesn't use a press. I've already ripped out the steering and suspension for the first time in my life at the ripe old age of 52. I just might do it
I will have to lookup allthread. I do own washers and sockets. I'll try to find a video on u tube that doesn't use a press. I've already ripped out the steering and suspension for the first time in my life at the ripe old age of 52. I just might do it
And you can. Read up and take your time.
there is roughly 30 places within 15 miles that would fix you up for cheap. Maybe its a MN nice thing.

I also used to work at napa. They deliver parts to all the local shops. They know the good ones. Call any local napa and they will send you in the right direction.
I'm on my phone right now, or I would link it, but do a search for my name (as the author) and "blackstone"

You won't believe what thier customer service did
Had to share this.....I got out my upper control arms last night. Figured I would drop them off at a machine shop I know of 15 miles away from where I work. I go there with my new bushings and the arms and when I go in the place a guy comes walking towards me like I'm from another planet. I asked if they didn't allow customers in or something. The guy said it always concerns him when people bring in there own parts......I say I have new bushings to be installed in my UCA's. He says he would have to ask Rob whoever the hell that is......Out comes Rob and says what do you need....I say the same thing, I have new bushings and I would like the old ones removed and the new ones installed. He shakes his head and says hell no.....I won't do them.....I said this is an automotive machine shop right and he says back he's machining right now and walks away.......not even a you can go here or there or a reason behind his answer......I guess the job was too small or something...none the less whenever I do decide the 340 is coming out for a rebuild I can tell you one shop that will not be doing the work......Does anyone still believe in customer service? I take pride in my customer service skills.....am I alone?
All you need is a Vice , and an Air Hammer, to knock them out. Then you can press them back in, with the Vise and some Sockets, or Homemade tools.. Been doin that way for 40 years. It Works...
There are too many people in even the small towns. One or 10 customers lost... no worries.
Stop and consider how many times per day does someone walk in there carrying work they want done,,, Right now! Maybe try this next time you cold call... Walk in empty handed and ask first, "Recon I could leave 2 upper arms and 4 new bushing here for you to play with?" ( Today I probably would have have added with a smile,"After you get yer eggs dyed of course" ).
On the other hand... There is one small tire service shop near here worthy of mention.
My son-in-law told me before I went there, "That guy is a real a-hole so good luck".
In the end I didn't leave a dime there. Before I left, I told him, "Just so you know, My son-in-law warned me that you were hard to deal with. Customer service will make or break you pal. Go take a lesson."
That was quite a long time ago. The guy still doesn't have a thriving business. Wonder why? LOL
I'm sure he will eventually since there are more customers than he could chase away with a gun.
Oh wait, I already make that point. :) Good luck to all.
So you expect us to believe the guy acted like an asshole for no reason? What's the other side of the story?
A good friend of mine once said the secret of a successful business is simple: make it easy for people to give you money.

Between my personal experiences and through the business we own, it is beyond amazement the stupidity of people and the amount of morons running around.

I have 0 patience for this crap now. And I let them know it. I've broken up meetings by standing up and telling people that their use of acronyms and fancy words just tells me they are idiots ... I'll go elsewhere.

I don't care who or what you are. No business, no product, no service is that unique that you are allowed to treat people like crap.

All is just a reflection of society. Very few keep their words, very few truly care about the work they do and have no pride, and most are just imbeciles.
So you expect us to believe the guy acted like an asshole for no reason? What's the other side of the story?

I can't make the call in this case ... but I have witnessed countless occasions where ... yes .... some asshole at a store/shops/business has done just that ... acted like a douche for no reason.
Some people just don't have the interpersonal skills to deal with the public. The guy may be intimate with his machinery and that's as far as his desire to converse may go!

Even a simple lie is better than what was described. "You know we've had these in here before and the time/labor for us to work them up is just not feasible or reasonable in cost for you as a consumer. I'd look for another place to get them installed." Stilla "Hell no!" just a different approach. LOL
I just finished getting some changes on my satellite tv system. I called for activation on a new box. got hung up on twice. The third time (different 800 number) I get a real tech. They tell me I need a new activation card, that will be 20 bucks please?? Then they warn me if it doesn't get to me through the mail it will be another 20 bucks for another. Then they want to upgrade my service with the new Genie system for free. I'm kinda pissed about being hung up on but ask about it. I give the go ahead, then they tell me it's not so free..another 50 bucks for taxes and fees??? So I cancelled the job. I got my bill a week ago, they charged me 20 bucks for the card I got and 70++ bucks for cancelling the upgrade. The local cable is cheaper but only works half the time. Customer service, BS!
I worked in a front end specialty shop for about 5 years when I was a kid in the 70's all you really need is a socket and a big hammer, if one bushing has a sleeve around it you will need a air chisel to remove it but if not just find a big socket that is bigger than the bushing on the outside put the socket on the floor put the bushing in the socket so the arm is on the socket and hit the inside of the bushing with a 4 lb hammer and it will pop right out.
Where in CT are you?
I have a shop in Uncasville over by the casino and have a 50 ton press if you need to get it done.
PM me and we can set something up.
Where in CT are you?
I have a shop in Uncasville over by the casino and have a 50 ton press if you need to get it done.
PM me and we can set something up.
Thanks for the offer Joe.....I'm in Shelton which is probably at least an hour from you.....The way I see it is I would have to stop and pay my dues to the casino if I came up to you...Which casino are you near Foxwoods?I'll get back to you....Planning on getting the LCA's out over the weekend cause I would only like to make 1 trip.....hahaha.
Thanks for the offer Joe.....I'm in Shelton which is probably at least an hour from you.....The way I see it is I would have to stop and pay my dues to the casino if I came up to you...Which casino are you near Foxwoods?I'll get back to you....Planning on getting the LCA's out over the weekend cause I would only like to make 1 trip.....hahaha.

A couple of months ago, I had to replace an exhaust manifold on an airplane we were working on. One of our licensed mechanics tried to weld (which he was authorized to do) a mounting bracket on the new manifold. For some reason he used the wrong type filler rod to do the job. The new manifold was stainless and needed to be tig welded. (he was using "ox-ace" which is legal, but the wrong rod.) to obtain the proper weld. I carried the manifold to a local welding shop and explained to the owner that I had a mess on my hand on a very expensive part (couple of a thousand dollars) and could he help me out? He said he had just the guy that could do the job. I further explained that I would have (by FAA regulation) to supervise the welding, being a licensed technician and inspector. He said "no problem." This kid, and I mean a "kid" did a beautiful weld. When I went up front to pay for the service, the owner gave a bill for $30.00. "Wow!" Is that all? I asked if could have the welder come up to the office? When the young welder came up front, I told him in front of his boss about his professional qualities and tipped him a twenty. (with the permission of his boss) That my friend is customer service the way it should be. Peace.