Where to get Engine wiring Harness for Big Block Swap



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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fort lauderdale
Can someone tell me where to get the engine wiring harness needed for a Big Block Swap into an A body 70 dart slant6 Dart
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but the 6 cylinder harness is more big block friendly than a small block unit. Maybe the distributor and coil leads would need to be lengthened.
This is where I got mine. Mom and pop operation. They'll set it up however you want. Electronic, points etc.

Evans Wiring Harnesses

Pure garbage with bad crimps all over those harnesses. If you got a good one from them consider yourself a lucky one.

A stock harness is easily modified for a big block.

If your harness is bad then get an M&H harness from year one. They are the best stock style ones out there.
I went from 6 cyl to big block it was very easy. I also did an electronic ign conversion as well.
if you haven't yet bought one - maybe check this out - it's only $185 Home
I think I would do it like this. I have done a lot of electrical work, and I feel comfortable it would work fine:
1. I would buy 2 wiring diagrams. I would label one /6 and the other 383.
2. Laying them side by side, I would study them CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY and make appropriate notes on them and use multi-colored highlighters to accentuate the differences between the two.
3. Then I would alter the /6 harness to work with a 383 with standard ignition.
4. Then I would make whatever changes needed to convert new '383' harness to electronic ignition.
This way you would be doing it in two separate steps. After altering to harness to work with a 383 with standard ignition, the next step would be the same as following the instructions that come with the electronic ignition.
Yep, your slant wiring will work and function just fine. It's the same connections. There's nothing to add to a 383 that isn't already there . Coil. Alternator. Distributor. Water temp, oil pressure sender. It's so simple a monkey could wire it
I think I would do it like this. I have done a lot of electrical work, and I feel comfortable it would work fine:
1. I would buy 2 wiring diagrams. I would label one /6 and the other 383.
2. Laying them side by side, I would study them CAREFULLY and THOROUGHLY and make appropriate notes on them and use multi-colored highlighters to accentuate the differences between the two.
3. Then I would alter the /6 harness to work with a 383 with standard ignition.
4. Then I would make whatever changes needed to convert new '383' harness to electronic ignition.
This way you would be doing it in two separate steps. After altering to harness to work with a 383 with standard ignition, the next step would be the same as following the instructions that come with the electronic ignition.

holy over thinking it batman..

there is nothing other then extending and maybe shortening a couple of wires to making either a slant 6 or small block harness work on a big block.. no rocket science here......

all of the connections are already there.. nothing different except the location of a couple of things..

put the motor in. lay the harness in the car and cut/extend the wires to make them reach what is needed to be reached neatly...

after the basics are done if you want to add electronic ign or a dual fld charging set up its easy to add in to the existing harness too..