Where to get TTI Headers Recoated?

The lifetime warranty from jet hot sounds like a good deal. Only caveat to that is shipping that's gotten so expensive. I just received my lifetime replacement on headers and one way shipment was 70 bucks. I'm betting you must pay both ways shipping to them.
I just purchased Zybar to coat the outside of my headers. For the inside I bought eastwoods internal exhaust paint with the 2ft long applicator tube. Hopefully it will last awhile-never tried either product.
You are only looking at about $50 to ship them. I seriously doubt you will be happy with the Zybar.
I've heard others having issues with the ceramic by jet hot and another I can't think of right off hand. I'm trying the Zybar after speaking to them and asking questions on their testing and since I don't know anyone else who has actually used it, I will be the "guinea pig" to say with confidence in helping others; yea this sucks or it doesn't.
Actually, I've heard very good things about the durability of rustoleum high heat/BBQ grill paint, but it does nothing for reducing radiant heat which is what I'm trying to address without wrapping my headers.
As far as 50 bucks for shipping...mine were 70 one way. I guess it depends on where you live and where your shipping along with rates that seem to be climbing lately.

You are only looking at about $50 to ship them. I seriously doubt you will be happy with the Zybar.
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