Who else is hunkered down?



Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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S/w Houston
Waiting on Ike. Got plenty beer and barbecue stuff. My house has natural gas so no problem cooking if the power goes out. Got a 8000 watt generac and 20 gallons of gas and two trucks full so i can siphon if i need too.got cards and candles. Ike is coming on shore 50 miles east of me so it should be a direct hit here im 50 miles west of galveston. wish me luck.Heres some pics of my house boarded up. I putt mt 1 ton in front of the bay window. Mopars are in the garages. Check out my surrvielance hole on my master bedroom window.
Damn! I remember those days... Good luck my friend! I spent several years in guam... one typhoon season... we did that 6 times! Don't miss those days...

Only good to come out of a Hurricane is... nine months later!!! BABY BOOM!
You know I've worked around Houston years ago, refineries mostly, and noticed that most in the area were a pretty tough bunch of characters, maybe it's the hurricanes or just the extra hot food I don't know. Good luck to ya Daredevil, Ike looks like a big assed one even from up here in Canada. I don't know how you guys do it year in and year out watching them nasties come through the gulf praying that they don't hit your naborhood I don't think I could.

Good luck to you! Hope you're on as high ground as possible. Got cable? Hope you can still catch some football this weekend while you're hunkered down inside.
Take some 'after' pictures from the same locations to give us SoCal folks an idea of what those things are like. Curious to see if any leaves will still be on the trees. Hope the bbq in the backyard is till around after.
Again, good luck. I'll take the rare shaker we get out here over the annual hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards anytime!
i hope my dsl doesnt go down as i can run my 2 wire off the generator. I dont think i can live without fabo and that pit weighs about 5oo lbs made out of 1/2 in steel pipe
Good luck daredevil. I'm just north of New Orleans and we're getting sustained winds of thirty miles per hour with gusts to fifty right now with a lot of rain. Our power was off shortly this morning. For someone who went through Katrina three years ago and just recently Gustav with no power for three days, it gets dark in the house when your windows are boarded up. Batteries, candles, radio, games, and food are real luxuries. A generator is heaven.

The best to our Texas neighbors. You're welcome here in Louisiana. I have a feeling that some of New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin's constituents living in Houston since Katrina may evacuate back to New Orleans. Of course, I understand perfectly that they have to come back periodically to vote for clowns like Nagin and Representative Bill Jefferson. The local hotels on Canal Street have even come up with a drink called the Nagin which are supposed to be free for Texas evacuees. Drink up and enjoy the hurrication while in the Big Easy!
Good luck and be safe. Looks like you're pretty well fortified in regards to your home and food. Make sure you keep in touch if your internet service holds out.
Good luck, I am sitting on a boat in Mobile Alabama waiting the storm out. I hope this creates allot of offshore work for Diving. Anywich way it seem you are prepaired and ready hope everything gose well for you.
Good luck, I hope it breezes by without incident. I don't know how you guys stand it, some scary stuff for sure.
Wishing you "All the best", that sucker looks NASTY.
Hopefully your internet service keeps-up, see you in "Chat" and share a few cold ones.
And I have plans to move to Arlington in a couple years, not so sure anymore...

Keep us posted Daredevil............

We'll all be watching for your posts as this thing progresses........You'll probably be knocked off for a while..........We're pullin' for you and yours.....
Man the anticipation is a killer. Darn 50 years old and got a curfew. gotta be off the street by 7 o,clock
"Batten down the hatches. We're in for a wild ride" Good luck, hope you are all safe. Charge up your cell phone and give us a call to keep in touch. #319-231-9771 toolmanmike
Good luck daredevil. This looks as big as that monster hurricane Isabel in 2003 that left us without power for 2 weeks & made my little city look like it was in a war zone. Looks like you are well prepared. Our prayers are with you & everyone else in that area.

Good Luck!! I've been thru a couple of them. Don't have the urge to go thru another one. Right now I'm waiting this one out in New Hampshire...cold and rainy here.
Daredevil, best of luck to you and your family. I saw that you are from Florida, so I know your expierienced. Lived here all my life, and just don't remember there being so many of these things when I was a kid. Looks like your set up pretty well, wish u and your community the best. Check in when you can.