Who on here is from Michigan?



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Augusta, GA
So I'm living in Colorado now and have been for almost a decade, but being a recent college grad (even with a BSME) with little experience isn't working in the current job market; I love being here but the recent migration of people in the last couple years made it super competitive and expensive. One day I was thinking "wth let's see what some of the big players have open" and apparently FCA has a huge number of positions open for entry-level engineers which seem really cool. I currently live with my family and it would be a big life change for me to go that far away on my own (or with my wife I should say). So anyone on here live in Michigan, preferably anywhere near the Auburn Hills or Chelsea areas? What's it like? I hear the winters are pretty harsh but the pics on Google look nice lol...
Cosgig, blu340dart and BadSport all live in MI. Not exactly sure where in relation to Auburn Hills
I'm in Tennessee now I'm originally from Michigan and am currently visiting there. Michigan in June, July, August and most of September is one of the best places to be. January and Febuary can be very harsh for a week or some years for about twelve weeks. Winter can be great for snow skiing and snow mobiling. Fall comes early and spring comes late. The area around Auburn Hills is very nice but cost of living is rather high.
FCA is hiring a lot in the entry level positions. You might get to do something interesting and expect that you probably will not receive any guidance from your supervisor, you'll be self taught but it could be an oppurtunity to do something fascinating.
unemployment in West Michigan is very low, and the auto manufactures in this area are announcing increases in production left and right. we have a new Korean battery plant that is adding a couple hundred jobs here soon, and just yesterday, the paper announced a local auto based firm is opening another facility and adding 250 jobs.
Awesome thanks for the info guys! I forgot about that map thing that's pretty cool.

SSVDP sounds pretty nice, I was out there a few months ago (March?) for work around the Grand Rapids area and it was kinda cold but not bad. I do love skiing we're pretty spoiled out here in the Rockies and I wouldn't mind having a snowmobile at some point. Really my only weather-related concern is sunshine TBH, I grew up in Pennsylvania and the winters were super depressing the sky would be gray for like 2 weeks straight I hated it. Here in CO even in the middle of winter you have clear sunny days.

vitamin c that's great news, sounds more like the kind of job market I need to be looking in. Out here the main industries are for medical devices, electronics, or aerospace (Lockheed, Ball etc.) and like I said it's super competitive for even the simplest jobs. I almost considered becoming a welder or some other type of "tradesman" because it would be more lucrative in this current environment.

Bruce, sounds nice my wife is definitely a city girl but I like the country more so finding a place kind of in-between I think would be best.
If your more country and she's city sounds like you'll want to be north of Auburn Hills. It's more country but very close to city type things. I75 is the main highway and the FCA head quarters is right off it. Follow the map north a little ways to find great places to live.

Michigan is great... I'm right across the Detroit river in Canada.

Bruce, sounds nice my wife is definitely a city girl but I like the country more so finding a place kind of in-between I think would be best.

Chelsea isn't really a city per say, more of a yuppie type town I guess. It has a couple nice eateries and all of the other amenities that one needs to survive.. Not too far from there is the Waterloo Recreation area if you're into the outdoors at all. I-94 is right at hand if you had to go one way or the other to work.

I drive through it once in a while, but that's about it, lol.
check out a city called "Lowell"
I lived there for a while and loved it
small enough NOT to had a wallmart (or the people who generally shop there) but big enough to have a cinema
I am between Detroit and Toledo Ohio and think if you like the 4 seasons you will like Michigan. There is always something to do and festivals are from April to October if you like outdoor events.
Has anyone ever been to the Big House? Wolverine fan who wants that on my bucket list.

Oh, a couple of times!! I'm 20 minutes from A2 and have been to a few games in my time! Kinda like going to Maple Leaf Gardens, once you're in you better just stay put!!
I'm born and raised in the Metro-Detroit area. I've spent the last ~27 years working for Chrysler as a Instrumentation Development Technician III (19 years at Jeep & Truck Engineering in Detroit, currently at the Chrysler Tech Center in Auburn Hills). I've also been to the "Big House" a few times. Most recently to see my 1st born, daughter, graduate from the University of Michigan in April. As stated always something to do, and winter's are not as bad as they were when I was a kid.
If anyone needs great powdercoating check out Jeff's Powdercoating in Monroe, MI. Best place I've ever used.

So I'm living in Colorado now and have been for almost a decade, but being a recent college grad (even with a BSME) with little experience isn't working in the current job market; I love being here but the recent migration of people in the last couple years made it super competitive and expensive. One day I was thinking "wth let's see what some of the big players have open" and apparently FCA has a huge number of positions open for entry-level engineers which seem really cool. I currently live with my family and it would be a big life change for me to go that far away on my own (or with my wife I should say). So anyone on here live in Michigan, preferably anywhere near the Auburn Hills or Chelsea areas? What's it like? I hear the winters are pretty harsh but the pics on Google look nice lol...

Hi MOPEkidD-3,

I hear you on the life changing deal with moving that far away. I packed my lifes belongings in a uhaul trailer and in the back of my pickup, and moved from north eastern new jersey to west texas when i was 26. That was 21 years ago. It was a bit of a culture shock for me, living in a big city area, and moving to a small town. Eventually i made friends in a very small mopar circle out here. Life was a bit different here but i quickly adapted to my new home, and quickly grew to love my adopted state. The bonus for you is you wouldent be going out to michigan by yourself, a definite plus. If your close with your folks and siblings they are only a phone call or email away. I setup a skype account so my parents can visit with the grandkids a couple times a week, and i call my folks in the morning on my way to work to chat a few times a week while they are eating breakfast. Dad just turned 80 this year, so it helps a lot to keep in touch. I try to fly out by them at least 1 time a year, and they come this way 1 time a year. So we get to visit a week every 6 months. A job at FCA sounds like your dream job. Go for it!! Lots of motorheads at FCA to network with. I hear the company employee car shows they have are pretty awesome.
So I'm living in Colorado now and have been for almost a decade, but being a recent college grad (even with a BSME) with little experience isn't working in the current job market; I love being here but the recent migration of people in the last couple years made it super competitive and expensive. One day I was thinking "wth let's see what some of the big players have open" and apparently FCA has a huge number of positions open for entry-level engineers which seem really cool. I currently live with my family and it would be a big life change for me to go that far away on my own (or with my wife I should say). So anyone on here live in Michigan, preferably anywhere near the Auburn Hills or Chelsea areas? What's it like? I hear the winters are pretty harsh but the pics on Google look nice lol...
I am. But if your going to transplant yourself to Michigan come to the Kalamazoo portage area on the west side of the state. It's alive over here. Good healthy economy and engineering jobs available. Check out Stryker.
I was born and raised as a young child in Michigan and bounced around relitives till I landed in Oregon as a young teenager. Still have family there. My son lives in Colorado, and struggles with the economy working his day job as a mechanic and night job stocking at home blowhole to pay the $950 a month rent on his one bedroom apartment. We have lots of family in the Denver area.
My high school girlfriend and I moved from Oregon to Florida with nothing but a promise from my aunt and uncle that we'd have a place to stay till we got on our feet. It took six months to get jobs and save for an appointment with furnishings. We soon bought a car, got married, and had our son.
here's the kicker of my story - after three years in Florida we wanted to move back to oregon so we saved for a year and moved back with plenty of $$$ to restart. You can always move back.
LOL life LOL - Now that was two wife's ago LOL
When my third and current wife went by her self past Seattle to get the duster a 4-speed (while I was at work) insisting it needs a "four on the floor" I figured I'm finally on the right track.