Who's the "FABO E-Bay Feed" guy?

I think it's a good thing.Keep up the good work Joey!And maybe some people around here should have a little more faith in their fellow man.
Sorry I asked guys. My apologies to Joey and all who are offended by my attitude. Until a few minutes ago I didn't know who or what was going on.
I thought it was a scammer trying to push parts or something. I feel like a heel! Didn't mean to offend anyone.
Who's the "FABO E-bay feed" person trying to sell us parts? If we ignore him may-be he will go away. toolman

I should have put a "LOL" behind what I said. LOL!!!!! Was there a post from Joey that explained what was going on? I looked but couldn't find one. I don't want to make any enemy's here. I really enjoy this site and the people here. Mike
Sorry I asked guys. My apologies to Joey and all who are offended by my attitude. Until a few minutes ago I didn't know who or what was going on.
I thought it was a scammer trying to push parts or something. I feel like a heel! Didn't mean to offend anyone.
Don't sweat it dude. I didn't know who it was either. You just asked a simple question. :-D
Hey, I got an idea. I cant believe there are those that dont know who the powers that be are, so lets someone set up an org chart. That will show who is at the top and all the way down to you peons. LMAO. I'm a peon too so dont get your panties in a wadd. Joey is just an "Eye in the sky" which will benefit us all. By the way, Joey would be at the top of the org chart. The next step down would read something like, AdamR, Rumble, Mickelbeck, then someone else will have to help out from there. Where would MeMike fall into all of this? You newcomers take note.
Small Block
dosent sound like a scheme to me everybody needs money its really none of our buiness to tell him what to post as long as it is not bad or anything WHO CARES at least it pertains to mopar and A bodys
No good deed goes unpunished....seems like Joey is being nice enough to look out for a-body parts on ebay and letting us members know about them. Thank you Joey.

Your welcome. But to be fair, it doesnt take alot of work to do. I just thought it would be helpful to our members.

I don't think its him selling the stuff, he finds it on ebay and post it here in case any of use want it. I glad he does. I bought some used carpet for my Barracuda I didn't know was on ebay until he posted it here. So thanks....who ever you are:cheers:

Nope, its not me. Its just current auctions on eBay.

Now that someone else brings it up - I think it's a shame that he posts a bunch of stuff on Ebay first without offering it to forum members first. Sounds like a scheme to squeeze a few more dollars from some people. :angry7:

Think you nailed it bud. I was wondering about this and came to the conclusion that Joey has struck a deal with eBay to list auctions that we would find interesting in return for $$ to keep the site running. I'd much rather see postings from FABO eBay feed than a prompt telling me I had to cough up X amount of dollars before I could sign in. It can't be cheap to keep enough servers running to cover the traffic generated by the membership we have. Personally, I think Joey deserves a big thumbs up for doing what it takes to keep the site free so cheapskates like me can come here and spout our drivel. :thumbrig:

Anything I can do to keep the site free is exactly what I will do. Yes, servers and hosting are VERY expensive. I spend about $10K a year on such things (although not just to house FABO, I have other websites also) And yes, I do like to make a profit also since websites are my livelihood.

IF you buy something through the ebay links that are posted or through the eBay search box currently on the top right of this page, I make a small commission.

But dont misunderstand. This is one of my very favorite sites and it is not all about money for me. I recently had someone offer me a six figure amount to sell FABO, FEBO and FBBO. I declined without hesitation. SO please dont ever doubt my intentions here.

Sorry that is not true items don't always sell on FABO. I offered a bunch of stuff earlier on FABO, sold some and had no interest on the rest for a couple of weeks, So I put it on E-bay and I hope he post some of the e-bay stuff for me on FABO.:cheers::cheers::cheers:

Only complaint I got is I tried to contact him to see how he does the link and he won't return the messages.:angry7::angry7::angry7:

Forgive me - I dont remember getting the message?? But to answer your question... Its a secret. :)
Toolmanmike, No offense buddy. With 1400+ post we all thought you might have a clue as to who was who on here. No offense to ya bud. You're our friend so now just start paying attention. I even thought about buying the joint but a little short on loose funds. Hang in there buddy. We're you friends.......REALLY.
Small Block
Yes, ladies and germs, Joey is the head honshow, the boss, the owner, the creme cheese, the grand poobah, the eye in the sky, the all knowing and all seeing giant egg and if he makes a little scratch on the side I got no problem with that besides he promised me a cut of the take. So no more whining or I'm sending Pauly to pay ya a visit. :toothy10::toothy10:

If Joey is posting things for us to look at and we buy it and he makes money off of it, good for him. He is doing a "job" and getting paid for it which inturn helps this wicked awesome site running. thanks joey.
Thanks for all you do for the site Joey. Parts is parts is parts. If the price seems right to the buyer, then they buy it. If not, they pass. Never know when one of the posts will be just the right part someone has been looking for.

Cheer up Toolmanmike. After all these posts, you should be able to sit down again in about a week. Keep workin' on that Dart, my man. I see you changed the avatar. Front shot this time, huh?
OK Joey, Now that you have accepted all this praise i need a grille for a 68 GTX.........well? Just the black center piece........
I think he,s doing us all a favour,afterall they are A-body parts for sale!It,s his site and can do as he pleases.If it helps the site..great!If you don,t like them?Don,t look!

I don't look , It's typical of current society , why should I actually do something when someone else is willing to do it for me , for free no less :toothy10:

thanks joey , keep up the good work .
Anything I can do to keep the site free is exactly what I will do. Yes, servers and hosting are VERY expensive. I spend about $10K a year on such things (although not just to house FABO, I have other websites also) And yes, I do like to make a profit also since websites are my livelihood.

IF you buy something through the ebay links that are posted or through the eBay search box currently on the top right of this page, I make a small commission.

But dont misunderstand. This is one of my very favorite sites and it is not all about money for me. I recently had someone offer me a six figure amount to sell FABO, FEBO and FBBO. I declined without hesitation. SO please dont ever doubt my intentions here.

BANGO! Thank you!

If anybody hasn't noticed, I'll letcha know right here and now that Joey makes his rounds to his sites, a daily check up so to speak if you will. While he does this chore, he comes into FABO and stays awhile, interacts with everyone and actually spends time here. Not just in a joke forum, but all over.
If anything, he's an active member.
Glad to see this got straightened out.

Thanks for all you do Joey. This is the greatest forum on the www.
BANGO! Thank you!

If anybody hasn't noticed, I'll letcha know right here and now that Joey makes his rounds to his sites, a daily check up so to speak if you will. While he does this chore, he comes into FABO and stays awhile, interacts with everyone and actually spends time here. Not just in a joke forum, but all over.
If anything, he's an active member.

Well, I read alot, but dont comment much. However, Im around. Wish I had more time. With over 1000 posts a day here it can be tough.
You guys are all right! I always knew who Joey was I just didn't know he was doing the e-bay link thing. I think it's a great idea and anything like that to defray the cost to operate these sites is great. I ordered a PST suspension kit
from the ad on the right----------------> and now I know the program, I'll
pay closer attention to what's for sale. This site has become a second home.
It's the best place to go to meet with friends and talk about our hobby. I've learned a lot and I hope I've taught others. There's lots of Mopar experience here and everyone is willing to help. Joey, you've created quite a site here that
is part of the lives of thousands. Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do! toolmanmike Mike Weidner
You guys are all right! I always knew who Joey was I just didn't know he was doing the e-bay link thing. I think it's a great idea and anything like that to defray the cost to operate these sites is great. I ordered a PST suspension kit
from the ad on the right----------------> and now I know the program, I'll
pay closer attention to what's for sale. This site has become a second home.
It's the best place to go to meet with friends and talk about our hobby. I've learned a lot and I hope I've taught others. There's lots of Mopar experience here and everyone is willing to help. Joey, you've created quite a site here that
is part of the lives of thousands. Keep up the good work and thanks for all you do! toolmanmike Mike Weidner

Amen bro!