Why do some members stiff me?



Legendary Member
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Over the years I have sent several little items to members here and ask for no more than the postage. 90 percent of the time I receive it no problem. But there has been three members who ,I have sent parts to. And not even a thank you in return? Even after a gentle reminder. Even one guy that was begging for a liitle part. Now I have received a few little items myself to and I usually send postage and a few extra bucks. And for that I want to thank the members that have helped me in the past. I guess I'm just aggrevated and wanting to vent a little. Has this happened to anyone else? I guess i want to feel like we are a family here and can help each other out, but i guess like in anything else there a few bad apples in every bunch. Thanks I feel better now and I'll go take my Zoloft LOL!
I`ve sent small things to members, paid the postage and still no thanks. I don`t know what people are thinking. On the flip side I`ve been the recipient of a small part from a member on this site and I offered to pay for the part and shipping and he wouldn`t hear of it. There`s both ends of the spectrum represented here.
Over the years I have sent several little items to members here and ask for no more than the postage. 90 percent of the time I receive it no problem. But there has been three members who ,I have sent parts to. And not even a thank you in return? Even after a gentle reminder. Even one guy that was begging for a liitle part. Now I have received a few little items myself to and I usually send postage and a few extra bucks. And for that I want to thank the members that have helped me in the past. I guess I'm just aggrevated and wanting to vent a little. Has this happened to anyone else? I guess i want to feel like we are a family here and can help each other out, but i guess like in anything else there a few bad apples in every bunch. Thanks I fell better now and I'll go take my Zoloft LOL!

It has not happened to me SGBARRACUDA :-k But I would feel the same way.:axe: and I am glad you got that off you chest =D> That would make a good man need to vent, I hope I am not forgetting the things you have dun for me.:hello2:
Some times I get confuzed or when so much is going on at the same time and I get lost in a new world every day.
This may be a good time for everyone to stop and think :scratch:
that recognition is needed for everyone to enjoy and hear about.
I have seen over 50000 apple tree's in my life and never seen one with out a bad apple, That may be the case.
I`ve sent small things to members, paid the postage and still no thanks. I don`t know what people are thinking. On the flip side I`ve been the recipient of a small part from a member on this site and I offered to pay for the part and shipping and he wouldn`t hear of it. There`s both ends of the spectrum represented here.

True the same has happened to me. On the other hand, I sent a box full of water pump and crank pullies to a member, paid $9.87 in shipping and told him to send the ones back he didn't use. After months of excuses I gave up, and have never received my shipping money or the extra pullies back?
I hate when I send money and get nothing!
You sent a box full of water pump and crank pullies to a member, paid $9.87 in shipping and told him to send the ones back he didn't use. After months of excuses you gave up, and have never received your shipping money or the extra pullies back!!!!!!!!! That's not good policy and we need to know who does business this way.:sign7:

Or we can give him or her time to take care of it if they care to.....And be glad to take care of it and be glad to fix this broken promise :sign7:
True the same has happened to me. On the other hand, I sent a box full of water pump and crank pullies to a member, paid $9.87 in shipping and told him to send the ones back he didn't use. After months of excuses I gave up, and have never received my shipping money or the extra pullies back?

There`s always public humiliation. :D
There`s always public humiliation. :D

No, I'm not gonna start a pissing match by naming names. They know who they are. And yes they are still active. Just live and learn. You know I'm the one who made the choice to send the parts and leave each to their own Honor. I just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
You sent a box full of water pump and crank pullies to a member, paid $9.87 in shipping and told him to send the ones back he didn't use. After months of excuses you gave up, and have never received your shipping money or the extra pullies back!!!!!!!!! That's not good policy and we need to know who does business this way.:sign7:

Or we can give him or her time to take care of it if they care to.....And be glad to take care of it and be glad to fix this broken promise :sign7:

The pulley deal was over a year ago. The intent on there part is obvious, why rehash it.
I understand that it is not worth your fret.
Remember hearing granny say aw don't fret over it.
But still!!
Was he going from AC to a no AC and I need a diagram of how the alternator mounts and the belts route to get his car going ?
Was he going from AC to a no AC and I need a diagram of how the alternator mounts and the belts route to get his car going ?

He was adding P/S to his car and removing the A/C I think. It's been a while ago and I am getting old.
No, I'm not gonna start a pissing match by naming names. They know who they are. And yes they are still active. Just live and learn. You know I'm the one who made the choice to send the parts and leave each to their own Honor. I just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

You`re a better man for it but those kind of things do make you lose your faith in man.
Ain't mid 50es nifty :toothy7:
I think I see by searching who you are talking about :smilebox:
I guess we have to take the good with the bad don't we.
Sorry to hear what happened to you SG. You've been around quite awhile and I have never seen a bad post from you. I have only sent a couple things out c.o.d. and never had any problem getting my money. I even sent a part to a fellow once and told him not to worry about it cause it only cost me .95 to send it and I had a bunch of them and he wouldn't take no for an answer and sent me $5 to cover my expenses.
I just hope this wasn,t a Can, member,cause I,ve been have V.good luck with members,shipping,paymentand so-forth.Don,t want no bad apples in the bunch.Hope it works out.
I'm a big believer in 'what goes around, comes around' look after enough people and it'll come back.

Worst case, hold your head high that you've helped someone out..

Over the years I have sent several little items to members here and ask for no more than the postage. 90 percent of the time I receive it no problem. But there has been three members who ,I have sent parts to. And not even a thank you in return? Even after a gentle reminder. Even one guy that was begging for a liitle part. Now I have received a few little items myself to and I usually send postage and a few extra bucks. And for that I want to thank the members that have helped me in the past. I guess I'm just aggrevated and wanting to vent a little. Has this happened to anyone else? I guess i want to feel like we are a family here and can help each other out, but i guess like in anything else there a few bad apples in every bunch. Thanks I feel better now and I'll go take my Zoloft LOL!

This type of thing is exactly how this forum could benefit from a feedback forum for buyers/sellers. I belong to two other forums, one of which I am a mod, and the feedback systems have saved many members some hard earned cash. A deal is a deal and people should be held accountable for it. Since none of us can really afford to take someone to court, or even want to, a feedback system would be a great service to the membership.
Being in the old farts club has it's adventures. I know of at least twice that a fellow member has sent me a small part for just the postage and I forgot to send the postage money to them. I even had the money sitting on my night table to remind me. I just totally forgot who it was for. After a very good natured reminder I sent it out and they received it. All was well again. So it can happen that people honestly forget. I felt like an idiot for a few days, but that passed to. LOL The member that gave me the most leeway was "DartThis74", he was real good about it, but must think I have lost all my marbles. Thanks Aaron, the speedo cable works great.

Karma happens, sometimes it just takes longer. They will get what they deserve. Of the people who have burned me, most of thier pictures show up in the paper...obit. section. Karma. I strongley believe you should treat people the way you want to be treated. Have fun studying for your exam SG.:-D
I don't think it's just here on the forums. I've noticed that in life, some people just act like you owe them something.

At work, I provide a service. I make that service appear easy and perform it quickly. Some people think just cause I did it quickly, they don't need to pay me. If only they'd offer, I'd just say no charge. But at least offer.

Some people have become very self centered and uncaring about their neighbor.
I don't think it's just here on the forums. I've noticed that in life, some people just act like you owe them something.

At work, I provide a service. I make that service appear easy and perform it quickly. Some people think just cause I did it quickly, they don't need to pay me. If only they'd offer, I'd just say no charge. But at least offer.

Some people have become very self centered and uncaring about their neighbor.

Oh, you know my brother Brian? LOL