Won the Wally



Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
waterloo ia
I've been racing for 41 years and finally this weekend it all came together. I was dialed 8.89 all day and my 74 duster ran on every time I needed it too. If you ever get the chance to race for a wally you have to try it's a great feeling. Tom
Let me be the first to congratulate you Tom :thumbsup: wow !! :usflag::D:popcorn:. You and you car is one bud :thumbsup:
I've been racing for 41 years and finally this weekend it all came together. I was dialed 8.89 all day and my 74 duster ran on every time I needed it too. If you ever get the chance to race for a wally you have to try it's a great feeling. Tom
congrats, now where is the pics!
Sorry I don't have any pics. I know there are some on face book. Thanks for all the congrats. Tom
I've been racing for 41 years and finally this weekend it all came together. I was dialed 8.89 all day and my 74 duster ran on every time I needed it too. If you ever get the chance to race for a wally you have to try it's a great feeling. Tom
way to go ! I take it u were racing 1/8 mile ??
Hey Tom, here's a couple pics from CFMP on Facebook. Congrats you two! Also a video of Tom at the Mopar Max race a few years ago.

