Maxi is in the Hospital......

Go Maxi go :eek:ccasion:
Good news to here Joe :thumbrig:\\:D/
Treva thought I was crazy till I told here what I ment :toothy7:
Things seem to be moving in the right direction!:thumblef:

Good news Joe. Kinda odd how something like a turd can mean so much at times.

Lol, I remember a few weeks back when all I did was complain that they pooped too much. Maxi ate about a cup or so of food today. She should be right at about 1.5 to two cups but this is an improvement from yesterday. :eek:ccasion:

She's still protective of her leg cast but lets me stick my fingers in there and check her toes from time to time, as long as I rub her belly while I do it. I took her for a very short walk and she was pulling like freight train. :) She's putting some weight on the peg leg and using it to support her weight a little bit and not holding it up as much, so I think that's an improvement too. There's a long road ahead and I don't want to rush her or have her hurt her good hind leg, so I'm trying to keep the activity to minimum yet still have her move around to keep the blood flowing. So far, she hasn't been chewing at her cast. It's a ***** kepping it dry though. It's been snowing since Thursday.

Thank you all so much for your concern and educated advice. You all rock!

Merlin says: Thanks for the advice all! Joe's trying to do his best. I want Maxi to get better soon so we can play again.... A big special thanks to Nikki and her advice as well. You double rock! WOOF!! WOOF!!

Go Maxi go :eek:ccasion:
Good news to here Joe :thumbrig:\\:D/
Treva thought I was crazy till I told here what I ment :toothy7:

Lmao! She's seems to be coming along. :angel7: She's right here with me in the office.
Thanks Dusted! Yeah man, big dogs = big food bills and lots of "clean up". :) It's the worst when the snow melts.

OK, time for me to get ready for work tomorrow. I haven't spent time getting stuff ready as I've been so concerned about Maxi. Thanks again for all your concern everyone!
Sounds like things are coming along ramcharger.....Give Maxi a belly rub from me and one for Merlin too!! We have our fingers crossed for the long haul and a full recovery. :clock:
How did things go today Joe?
How's Maxi...?

She was restless last night and all I heard was her walking around..... Clomp, clomp, clomp.....clomp, clomp, clomp. It's like living with an insomniac pirate. I didn't get much sleep.

Mornings are hard as I have to get up even earlier so I cover her leg and do a short, quick walk, uncover her leg then give Merlin a regular walk, try to fed them both, cover her leg and bring her out again to do her thing, then uncover her leg and let Merlin out to do his thing.

She ate about the same today as yesterday and the leg seems to be about the same but her attitude has improved somewhat and she seems to be smiling more. She even wanted to play fetch outside (I'm not letting that happen for another month or more). I picked up some glucosomine/chondroitin biscuits today and gave her some. She'll be on a regular regimen of this (3 or 4 a day). I also made an appointment at the vet to change her cast this coming Saturday.

Like I said, this is going to be a long road. BTW, here's the link to the orthopedic splint people. Each one is custom made according to the dogs anatomy and needs.
Is Maxi's injury near what they're calling the Hock (Ankle) ?
Glad she is feeling better Joe. You are going have to put a tennis ball on the "pirate" if she keeps running around in the night and keeping you up. :-D

I can't believe me and Tammy posted the same thing 2 minutes apart! Lol!
Well as always I'm way behind on the recent events here. I'm very happy to hear Maxi is doing much better, seeing her get hurt like that must have ripped you up. I hope she continues to improve quickly and that you're feeling better about it as well. Regular visits to the pet store may help, I wonder, does she do house calls? :-D
ramcharger, It's time for an update when you have a chance. How is Maxi doing? Give her and Merlin another belly rub from us please!

On a side note.......I went to the county pound today and may have found a little guy. He goes up for adoption tomorrow :grommit:
Glad she is feeling better Joe. You are going have to put a tennis ball on the "pirate" if she keeps running around in the night and keeping you up. :-D

I can't believe me and Tammy posted the same thing 2 minutes apart! Lol!

Maybe foam rubber or something.

Well as always I'm way behind on the recent events here. I'm very happy to hear Maxi is doing much better, seeing her get hurt like that must have ripped you up. I hope she continues to improve quickly and that you're feeling better about it as well. Regular visits to the pet store may help, I wonder, does she do house calls? :-D

Thanks Rob

ramcharger, It's time for an update when you have a chance. How is Maxi doing? Give her and Merlin another belly rub from us please!

On a side note.......I went to the county pound today and may have found a little guy. He goes up for adoption tomorrow :grommit:

She's pretty much the same.... I'll start adding more updates if there's a change for the better.

Glad to hear about the impending adoption!
How's Maxi doing today? Glad to hear she's getting around some. Best wishes!!

BTW: Great shot of Merlin you posted....
How's Maxi doing today? Glad to hear she's getting around some. Best wishes!!

BTW: Great shot of Merlin you posted....

Thanks John. She's pretty much the same. It seems that she was out of her crate a little more today than yesterday but that seems to be the only real change. I'm thinking it's a waiting game at this point.

Merlin's fairly photogenic. :)
I feel much better today! I've spent much less time in my cave (crate) and am still the Alpha no matter what Merlin thinks. These biscuits that my Master Joe gives me makes me feel much better and I can't wait to get this thing off my leg. I want to bite Merlin when he gets too close to my leg and I think he's getting the picture now.

Master Joe lays down beside me for 15 or 20 minutes every evening before he goes to bed to rub my belly and massage my hips 'cause he knows I can't jump up to the bed anymore. He's a pretty good Master. He sure beats my old one....Grrrrrrrr! He said something about me to that thing he holds to his ear and I heard "Vet" and "Splint Change". I'm not sure I'm liking that. He always tricks me into going for a ride and I end up at a place where they stick me with needles. I want to bite them too.... :-D

Ruht Roow, he's coming back from making that dark smelly water with the frozen stuff in it. I better get off here before he realizes I can type......:cheers:

I feel much better today! I've spent much less time in my cave (crate) and am still the Alpha no matter what Merlin thinks. These biscuits that my Master Joe gives me makes me feel much better and I can't wait to get this thing off my leg. I want to bite Merlin when he gets too close to my leg and I think he's getting the picture now.

Master Joe lays down beside me for 15 or 20 minutes every evening before he goes to bed to rub my belly and massage my hips 'cause he knows I can't jump up to the bed anymore. He's a pretty good Master. He sure beats my old one....Grrrrrrrr! He said something about me to that thing he holds to his ear and I heard "Vet" and "Splint Change". I'm not sure I'm liking that. He always tricks me into going for a ride and I end up at a place where they stick me with needles. I want to bite them too.... :-D

Ruht Roow, he's coming back from making that dark smelly water with the frozen stuff in it. I better get off here before he realizes I can type......:cheers:

Thank You Ramcharger & Maxi for making me feel better! We need more like you 2 on here!!!
FABO is a better place with you both.
Howdabooboo?? You look like your doing OK. I hope you feel better soon and try to remain calm even if someone is getting too close. The trick to enjoying the vets office is this:
Keep circulating and working the room. At each human, walk up, sit, look up, smile. Everyone of them will pet you and they will give you snacks!
Vinnie palys em for all they are worth and then tries to con me into a mcD's drive through for a hamburger!
Hope to see you tomarrow!!
John, Vinnie is laying here telling me what to type. He said he too stupie and old to learn typing, his master still hasn't mastered!:toothy10: