You might be an Ahole test.



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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If you park like this is in a busy near full parking lot.
You might be an Ahole. (What do you think the next car is going to try Ahole?)

If you swerve over into the oncoming lane because something or someone is blocking part of your lane with cars coming the other way expecting them to give you room.
You might be an Ahole.

If you swerve across three lanes of traffic to get in the left turn lane and THEN put your signal on.
You might be an Ahole.

If you pull into a one car parking space and leave your 16 foot trailer sticking out across the driveway in and out of the parking lot when 100 feet away there is "vehicles with trailers" parking.
You might be an Ahole.

ruhtroh - option 2 - I might be an Ahole... :lol:

Nevermind :D
I sure do type a lot that doesn't get posted. LOL

Suffice to say I'll take your mirror off.
People kinda freak out when you don't move and act like it's ALL your fault because you could have just gotten out of their way.
Aholes. :D
Nevermind :D
I sure do type a lot that doesn't get posted. LOL

Suffice to say I'll take your mirror off.
People kinda freak out when you don't move and act like it all your fault because you could have just gotten out of their way.
Aholes. :D
oh - back space a few times did ya? LOL - - I'm mostly kidding - - unless I AM in a bigger truck than you are.... LOL
oh - back space a few times did ya? LOL - - I'm mostly kidding - - unless I AM in a bigger truck than you are.... LOL

Then you can explain what you were doing in my lane to your insurance company, and I'll win the civil suit for you damaging my car. LOL (when I took your mirror off)

Yea, that "saved draft" thing in the posts can be dangerous.:D
OH, I gotta tell ya this.
I was riding in my Dad's truck with him one evening when we came down a street with three guys standing about 1/3 out in the road (almost half way across our lane) as we were coming down the street my Dad honked the horn and the one guy farthest out in the street flipped him off and tuned around continuing to BS with his buddies.
The truck had those trailer/towing mirrors on it and he clipped that dude right across the back with one of those mirrors and when the guy got up yelling and screaming my Dad just stuck his middle finger up in the back window.

Probably partially where I got my own attitude from maybe? :D
His favorite saying was you got to pay if your going to play.
He is gone now but was a 6 foot 4 inch 275 pound prison guard with arms the size of your waist, a foo man choo mustache and shaved head.
Nice as hell unless you messed with him.
I almost was one yesterday

I pulled into a gas station
picked a pump and started my approach
"my" pump was on the left of me, with a car in between me and the next pump

wasn't until I was half way in there I realized the car next to me was pulling a boat (he was facing me) AND he had not pulled in straight, which means that once I was in my spot he could not pull out straight

I was nice enough to back up and let him leave before I started to pump gas
(after he asked me too)
oh, hey you guys know what really annoys me?

thost stupid "children at play" signs granola moms put out in the middle of the road

like it is MY job to watch out for your spawn?
how bout this, train them NOT TO PLAY IN THE ROAD ?
oh, hey you guys know what really annoys me?

thost stupid "children at play" signs granola moms put out in the middle of the road

like it is MY job to watch out for your spawn?
how bout this, train them NOT TO PLAY IN THE ROAD ?
Putting private signage in the road is illegal anyway.
We have a retired ex cop in the neighborhood that decided all on his own that 15 was the new speed limit on the street instead of the posted 25 by the city.
He used to call the police on me for running his signs over until the officers told him he was violating a city ordinance and if he did it again they were going to fine him.
He doesn't like me very much for some reason. :D
You might be an asshole if in your attempt to beat the light you speed, honk and flip me off while I am turning left with plenty of room and time in my classic 1965 Comet. Being said asshole you also risk serious bodily harm---------------------
I can say i DON'T do any of those thing..but if your in the left lane you better be passing everyone if i'm behind ya' cause' if your not my F150 is right up your *** amazing how people move over when they see a full-size truck right on their ***..and by the way yes i am and a-hole:lol::lol:
I was driving the 72 Dart beater when a BMW a-hole swerved into my lane on a city street, looked like his steering gear malfunctioned and he had run into the curb on my side.
I was happy he got "docked" safely, so I continued on. As I passed him, he backed out into my passenger side rear door and quarter panel, ripping the S**t out of his plasti-bumper, leaving minor scrapes on the Dart. He was making some kind of U-turn in crowded city traffic because he was better than dozens of others in slow congested traffic. I advised him he was out of luck, and would have a hard time explaining this to his insurance company how he had backed into oncoming traffic without ensuring there was no oncoming traffic while making an illegal U turn.
Funny I haven't heard of him since then.
Worth the battle scars on my Dart.

If you swerve over into the oncoming lane because something or someone is blocking part of your lane with cars coming the other way expecting them to give you room.
You might be an Ahole.

Come on Beastie, if you was in the opposing lane with a boulder on the shoulder, with a bloated skunk in your right tire path, I would ride my shoulder line and cut you some slack and would expect the favor in return, But I`ll never go off in the rut for nobody:poke:

If you swerve over into the oncoming lane because something or someone is blocking part of your lane with cars coming the other way expecting them to give you room.
You might be an Ahole.
Come on Beastie, if you was in the opposing lane with a boulder on the shoulder, with a bloated skunk in your right tire path, I would ride my shoulder line and cut you some slack and would expect the favor in return, But I`ll never go off in the rut for nobody:poke:[/QUOTE]

You wouldn't have to because I would stop and wait till you went by and then go around the skunk the way it should be done.
You aren't one of those Aholes that has the legal right of way and waves someone else through are you? LOL
Man I hate those people, and I get that they are trying to be polite but when everyone else is expecting you to do what you are supposed to do and you don't do it and disrupt things it sucks, because it messes everything everyone else was supposed to do and when.
Once in awhile I pull up to a four way stop with a car straight across from me pulling up to their stop and I have a left signal on they better GOOOOOO straight across while I wait for them to do it.
Wave go ahead to me and they are likely to get yelled at to go like they are friggin supposed to. :D
4 way stops are great until some A hole screws up the process trying to be nice..... And then there are the ones that just have to jump their turn.......
4 way stops are great until some A hole screws up the process trying to be nice..... And then there are the ones that just have to jump their turn.......

Had that happen recently.
4 way stop and I stop but a woman on my left dips the front end then nails it (you know those) they kind of pretend to stop but just can't get themselves to allow you your right of way.
Left her in a cloud so thick she couldn't see to go anyway.:D
I can say i DON'T do any of those thing..but if your in the left lane you better be passing everyone if i'm behind ya' cause' if your not my F150 is right up your *** amazing how people move over when they see a full-size truck right on their ***..and by the way yes i am and a-hole:lol::lol:
nooooooooooo... :rofl:
If you park like this is in a busy near full parking lot.
You might be an Ahole. (What do you think the next car is going to try Ahole?)

If you swerve over into the oncoming lane because something or someone is blocking part of your lane with cars coming the other way expecting them to give you room.
You might be an Ahole.

If you swerve across three lanes of traffic to get in the left turn lane and THEN put your signal on.
You might be an Ahole.

If you pull into a one car parking space and leave your 16 foot trailer sticking out across the driveway in and out of the parking lot when 100 feet away there is "vehicles with trailers" parking.
You might be an Ahole.

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Sounds like Pismo Beach,on the 4th ofJuly....
I rode my old Harley today - there was this "dude" on his bicycle - correctly riding with traffic, but much too far out in the road - - I suppose I could have given him a wide berth.. but I didn't.... pretty sure I scared the crap out of him as I went by... does sorta coasting up on him and then cracking into it as I got near him make me an Ahole? :lol: