Why is Pro Stock Dodge down on horsepower ?


Back in Time

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2013
Reaction score
Sun City West,Arizona
Is it just because with one team there is not enough R&D ? Lack of factory support ? Just seems sad that the mighty Hemi is lagging so far behind.
The RPM limit is killing them. I suspect NHRA knew that going in but did the limit anyway.

It's essentially a port length/volume issue they can't correct with the limits of EFI intake manifolding.
What is the RPM limit for pro stock? Is that for hemi's only or for all engines?
Or could it be the Gen 3 hemi isn't really a hemi like the Gen 2's. When the 2's came out they blew everything away. Although with head development they, the pro stockers, could produce maybe a better combustion chamber than Mopar came up with. Of course I don't think anyone would let us take a look and let us compare it to a stock head.
Abodyjoe are you trying to say that Scott and Daryll were cheating? I guess only till they got caught. They sure made Mopars look good back then.
Abodyjoe are you trying to say that Scott and Daryll were cheating? I guess only till they got caught. They sure made Mopars look good back then.
are you referring to the time "somebody" "broke into" their shop and destroyed all the heads?
It seems it was right after they were caught with NOS in the oil pan. The break in might have been a cover up because they gave up soon after.
the pro stock 2006 engine is not a real hemi to begin with....more or less a semi hemi....Marketing...

The dodge motor makes less torque at the lower rpm so J&J racing was spinning it higher to make up for the lack of torque at lower rpm...but the 10,500 rpm rule hurt it more then the GM motor...although they have made alot of progress since the beginning of the year ...
It seems it was right after they were caught with NOS in the oil pan. The break in might have been a cover up because they gave up soon after.
Were they actually caught with nitrous in the pan? I remember Jerry Eckman (Pennzoil Pontiac) getting busted when a bottle in the pan exploded in the pits. Blew the pan apart! I think the NHRA banned him for life IIRC.
Because Fiat DGAS about drag racing or developing or the R&D that is needed to compete!

And that's exactly why they built the Demon!

Wait. That doesn't make sense.

I think Fiat does give a ****. But only about where they can actually win. And that's why they pulled out. Why keep racing in a class you know you can't win? Take some time off. Develop better engines/tech, while saving money not racing. Then come back and win. I wouldn't be surprised if we see them back in a couple years fielding much better (read winning) cars. I think this is shown in the fact that even though they pulled out of pro stock, they are still pushing and supporting the other classes they are in.

As for why other teams aren't winning? RPM limit hurts. The new fuel injection rules hurt. Hell I was reading somewhere that one team took an entire day to figure out why the engine wasn't cranking under the new fuel injection rules. It's a learning curve for everyone.

For now I'll just watch Hagan win like he did this weekend!
are you referring to the time "somebody" "broke into" their shop and destroyed all the heads?

always thought it was funny that after that "brek in" they could never run the number again... you mean to tell me no one took notes of bow that engine was done?
As a guess I would say that they are doing it on there own dime. Money = HP
What was the line of reasoning for limiting RPMs by the NHRA? Keep it cheaper, safer, or just to hurt ma Mopar?
What was the line of reasoning for limiting RPMs by the NHRA? Keep it cheaper, safer, or just to hurt ma Mopar?

Cut cost that actually cost them more since they had to go develop new combinations...the dodges were spinning almost 12k.
always thought it was funny that after that "brek in" they could never run the number again... you mean to tell me no one took notes of bow that engine was done?

the ears on the blocks were busted off...those blocks were no longer available...new blocks had a difference bore spacing took a different head....
but I agree...looked like they got stupid over night....LOL
the ears on the blocks were busted off...those blocks were no longer available...new blocks had a difference bore spacing took a different head....
but I agree...looked like they got stupid over night....LOL

bottom line is they were cheating and the break in was an easy way out..
Cut cost that actually cost them more since they had to go develop new combinations...the dodges were spinning almost 12k.

So far, they aren't saving a dime on parts due to lowering the RPM. I still have some people I talk to who won't lie and they are telling me they haven't saved a dime.
Remember the Billy Glidden nitrous story? He hid a nitrous system in his Pro Stock car, passed tech, qualified for a race, then went back to the tech guys, showed them how he did it and basically told the NHRA that other guys are doing it too and they (NHRA) can't even police their own rules. Then told them he's outta there, and went to the NMCA, IHRA or something. Cool.
and the new rules are no hoodscoops, the chevys have cowl induction scoops, and I know the air duct inlet is in the grill, so the chevys have a taller intake=better