Stop in for a cup of coffee

Drinking beet juice will do that to ya!:poke:
beet juice? I stopped drinking that stuff a couple years back. You should have seen the look on the drug testers face at my Guard unit when i turned in a cup of purple tinted pee...
Ok, finally all caught up from yesterday...

Now off to cook some lunch and help the kid fix his burnt out bulb in his turn signal...
Is it bad that the only part of either project I actually dread is electrical wiring? Body work, panel replacement, engine building etc is all easy for me to understand.
Actually that charger I did the distrib on was just worn through there also and that is a 440 6 pack car, 100% stock.
I found it very satisfying to pull my dashboard out and have it on a bench and being able to just stretch all the wires out and see where they go. Instead of a squiggly diagram it turns into easy straight lines.
I always wondered what started the fire.
The pop it was the throttle cable wore through a wire at the firewall then the factory tape was a freaking fuse. I used racers fire resistant tape when I re did it. That was freaking scary.
I found it very satisfying to pull my dashboard out and have it on a bench and being able to just stretch all the wires out and see where they go. Instead of a squiggly diagram it turns into easy straight lines.
im thinking of using the plotter on base to make a wall map sized print out of the factory wiring diagram.
You can see one here that is close.
