Super Stock ( Car Name ) help needed


SS Lancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
Reaction score
North Carolina
God morning gents - I know the name normally is personalized for a car but I figured my Chrysler brethren can come up with some good names etc
Car is a 66 Dart with a 4 speed # going to be white in color or silver
And will mimic these photos
Thanks for any suggestions .


Instead of Melrose Missile.....Mopar Missile which keeps you closer to the original theme. You can even keep the original "missile" logo. In the end it comes down to whatever floats your boat!!
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Instead of Melrose Missile.....Mopar Missile which keeps you closer to the original theme. You can even keep the original "missile" logo. In the end it comes down to whatever floats your boat!!
I like it thank you
“Georgia Express”
Paint an old time locomotive engine a/smoke coming from the stack and spinning wheels coming at you on an angle. Car name in the smoke.
Angle the drawing as if your looking at the nose of the train from the front and the rear of the train going into the distance.

If your artist is good, rear train wheel is the rear tire.

Now decide if it is a realistic or cartoon train.

Put a clock in showing midnight.
“Georgia Express”
Paint an old time locomotive engine a/smoke coming from the stack and spinning wheels coming at you on an angle. Car name in the smoke.
Angle the drawing as if your looking at the nose of the train from the front and the rear of the train going into the distance.

If your artist is good, rear train wheel is the rear tire.

Now decide if it is a realistic or cartoon train.

Put a clock in showing midnight.
Thank you Sir
mopar missile has been around since the 70's.... you'll need to git ye some aluminum dish mags and paint 'em gold if ya use'n that ther name... :D
A few more I can remember are: Quarter pounder, Razamanaz, Lemon Twist, Lyon’s Pride, Scat Rat, Orange Crush. These are on brand X cars. Kim
A couple come to mind..........Georgia Peach..........Peach Pits...........Low Hanging Fruit Harvester