2012 Secret Santa Sign-ups

I am going to PM the couple of guys who had not sent anything and see if they are on the way.
I checked and it said delivered at 130 so i was beginning to sweat. I like those clear safety glasses. I wear those riding my bike at night so i thought you might like trying them on your atv. I want to get myself one of those wallets now. I might put some benjamins in it. Lol
I sent my gift out a couple weeks ago. I the person I was a Santa to has been on fabo quite a few times recently but has not posted in this thread. Was hoping to hear that they got their gift and if they liked it?. Hope all went smoothly and I hope for the rest of the people who have not chimed into the thread or are awaiting confirmation on gifts being received.... I hope all went smooth for them as well. Cool tradition to keep up thanks to jr!
So my guy got his but never alerted me or posted anything in here cuz he was upset it was sent c.o.d what does that mean?
I just sent the package out never no cod I didn't even know what that was why would you make someone pay for a delivery? I'm so confused
Be patient, you are in the greater north, it may just take a bit longer.

I was informed that the gift sent to me by my Secret Santa was sent back to him by the good old postal service. Snow was to deep couldn't find my igloo.

Happy New Year every one.
May I thank jrlegacy23 from all of us(Secret Santa group)for putting on another sucessful year of special thoughts towards each other.Thank You!!:hello2: