A lot of Grape Soda = Problems



Early-A Body Nerd
FABO Gold Member
Mar 24, 2008
Reaction score
Chesapeake, Va
Wife & I went to Bingo at our Church Friday night and noticed at the snack table some shasta grape soda. Hadn't had any in quite sometime so pounded about four of them. All is well until morning constitutional and low and behold its damn near kelly green in color. Mind starts racing about hospital, my will, casket or urn and other stuff. After the second green unit i buckle and tell the wife. She looks at me and say's "it's from the dye in the grape soda idiot" Wow. Will be cooking dinner for her tonight and not drinking grape soda for quite awhile.

I drink those frozen drinks at the convenience store quite often during the hot summer months. Same result.

Back in the day, we all had Shamrock Shakes at McDonald's. The next day at breakfast we had an interesting discussion about the color of our poo!!!
The green Christmas cookies do the same thing. Just be careful if you eat alot of the red cookies it may scare you at the color.lol
HAHA, happens to little kids all the time ......i work as a maid and i watch little kids and i sometimes have to clean up some little green surprises.....the first time i ever saw that i was ready to ship the kid to the hospital but after your aware its the dye and can flash back to what you served them to eat.....it all adds up. Plus its happened to me too a few times LOL

too funny of a story ......kept my suspence reading it and made me chukkle in the end.
we were ready to take our youngest daughter to the hospital because it looked like there was blood on her pee. We soon realized that she had eaten about half a bottle of pickled beets the night before!! Had a good laugh after that!
we were ready to take our youngest daughter to the hospital because it looked like there was blood on her pee. We soon realized that she had eaten about half a bottle of pickled beets the night before!! Had a good laugh after that!

yikes ...good thing it ended well.....im sure that was disturbing
About 20 years ago I got a marathon case of the flu. Never before or since. I finally made it to the grocery long enough to get some Pepto Bismol, which I had never used. Next morning my stools were nearly black. I thought I was bleeding internally.

Talked to my doc's office, and the first question she asked is "did you take any Pepto?"
My wife gave our oldest son grape soda when he was about 8 months old. She went to change his diaper and his poop was green,freaked her out so much she called her mom. She asked if she gave him grape soda? When I got home from work she told me about it and I rolled on the floor Laughing. Now it's my turn to pull that on my granddaughters.
Ooooh, a green squealing worm. Did you know that bubble gum doesn't digest? Makes some disturbing pink strands though. Haven't swallowed bubble gum since......
Newer black licorice does it too. That stuff is just really dark green dye not black.

You beat me to it John. I love black licorice, but only buy a package a couple times a year but when I do I manage to eat a bunch at once. Colorful side effect for sure.
About 20 years ago I got a marathon case of the flu. Never before or since. I finally made it to the grocery long enough to get some Pepto Bismol, which I had never used. Next morning my stools were nearly black. I thought I was bleeding internally.

Talked to my doc's office, and the first question she asked is "did you take any Pepto?"

There's a warning right on the Pepto bottle stating what it may do.
You'll also see evidence the next day if you eat too many Oreo cookies.
speaking of rainbow poo....went to a wedding, the frosting on the cake was a very vivid mid tone blue color, the next day i shat a smurf. talk about a "WHOAHH!!!" moment. haha
Found the cure. Head for the rockies (not recommended for a little one Rani). My 8th Coors light & all is well.
