Are You A Turtle?

No. I am not...

I did read however the 'drinking rights' were determined by the 'coin'

Of course merely conjecture on My part...

This is how I became a turtle many years ago. I copied this from the interwebs and adjusted slightly to how I remembered it.

All you need are friends and lots of beer. The following 10 phrases are said, one at a time by someone who knows them. The player repeats the phrase. When you get past the first phrase, they must say the next number along with the ones before. (i.e. when you get to 10 you've got to repeat all the phrases) Rules are simple: if you screw up any part of the phrase, you drink and game goes back to the start. usually this game happens after all are in a fairly inebriated state to begin with.

The phrases are:

  • One fat hen
  • A couple of ducks
  • Three brown bears
  • Four running hares
  • Five fat fickle females
  • Six simple Simons sitting on a stump sipping scotch
  • Seven sicilian sailors sailing the seven seas searching for seven sexy siamese sluts
  • Eight egotistical egoists echoing eight egotistical essays
  • Nine nude nublins nibling on nicotine and nuts
  • Ten. F*ck you, I'm a turtle
I became a Cardinal Puff the same night. Not sure how I managed that.

Your results may vary.
...and the classic answer I first heard a whole bunch of years ago...

"You bet your sweet *** I am"
Is four enough for soup?

I hate to admit this but, I know a guy that thinks mock turtle soup is made from a species of turtle known as the Mock Turtle.

The same guy also says that the reason there is so much oil in the middle east is because the Egyptians used all the trees, that were once in the middle east, to build the pyramids. This, of course, destroyed the dinosaur's habitat killing them off. The dead dinosaurs then decayed into petroleum. :banghead::banghead::banghead: FML
I hate to admit this but, I know a guy that thinks mock turtle soup is made from a species of turtle known as the Mock Turtle.

The same guy also says that the reason there is so much oil in the middle east is because the Egyptians used all the trees, that were once in the middle east, to build the pyramids. This, of course, destroyed the dinosaur's habitat killing them off. The dead dinosaurs then decayed into petroleum. :banghead::banghead::banghead: FML

You mean that isn't the way it happened??????:banghead:
I hate to admit this but, I know a guy that thinks mock turtle soup is made from a species of turtle known as the Mock Turtle.

The same guy also says that the reason there is so much oil in the middle east is because the Egyptians used all the trees, that were once in the middle east, to build the pyramids. This, of course, destroyed the dinosaur's habitat killing them off. The dead dinosaurs then decayed into petroleum. :banghead::banghead::banghead: FML

I call bullshit on this one...........:protest:
^^^Nope. This guy really is this dumb. I've known him for about twenty years. The really bad part is that he married a friend of mine's mom a few years back.
I thought of a few more questions.

What is long and round and has seamen in it?

What is round and bald, and sticks out of a mans pajamas far enough to hang a hat on?

What goes in long and hard, and comes out soft and wet?
chewing gum
You are good!!!!! It's been along time since I've heard this stuff but I seem to remember that there are some more questions but I don't remember what they could be. Anybody know them?