Carrie Fisher now passed

So I guess no more Star Wars movies for her. ......and poor Debbie Reynolds had to see her daughter go before her. Sad.
R.I.P. Princess Leia

May the force be with you!
I saw one of her shows with my wife. She basically talked about herself and her life. She was pretty blunt, and after listening to her, I was amazed she was still alive.
The way she told the story, she was so blitzed doing Return of the Jedi that she was shocked that no one called her out on it.
There was even one part where she had a huge projection of her in her "Slave" costume, and asked the audience if they remember "tossing off" to this.
She had a sense of humor about the whole thing.
One thing I definitely took away was, she was madly in love with Paul Simon but knew she screwed that up.